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Yay for Occupy Wallstreet Booh for Occupy Wallstreet
Debate Score:26
Total Votes:29
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 Yay for Occupy Wallstreet (14)
 Booh for Occupy Wallstreet (6)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

Do you agree with the Occupy Wall Street folks



Yay for Occupy Wallstreet

Side Score: 18

Booh for Occupy Wallstreet

Side Score: 8
2 points

There are plenty of unemployed computer engineers and unemployed people who have BA's in biology. That poor girl's been horribly mislead by her parents.

The median family income has decreased, the cost of living, everything from groceries to seeing a doctor has increased, in many cases ten fold, while the top 1% have increased profits by taking advantage of tax loopholes, shipping jobs overseas, firing people, filing corporate bankruptycy-while giving themselves bonuses-while being bailed out by the very people they've been firing, then they pay lobbyists with part of the tax money they've scandelously avoided paying, to convince representatives to do nothing about it.

All the while morons like that girl and her parents blame the victim.

It is fascinating how right wing media praises a tea party complaining about taxes while taxes are the lowest in history, and about the birth place of our president when it is clear he was born here,

but the second someone protests real issues and the heart of the economic problems we're facing they start with the name calling.

I don't know what's more pathetic, that we've been allowing the hostile corporate takeover of the greatest country on earth for the past several decades,

or that so many of the peasants not in the top 1° (including joecalvery) so vehemently defend their corporate masters. It's like a dog that gets kicked but keeps coming back for more table scraps, except every time this dog comes back there's even less table scraps and he gets kicked harder. Pretty pathetic.

Side: Yay for Occupy Wallstreet

You should come over and see some of my table scraps ;)

Side: Yay for Occupy Wallstreet
2 points

The Christian thing to do would be to say "there but for the grace of god go I" when they see, say a computer programmer whose company was sold to a corporation and whose job was shipped to India cannot find a job anywhere else because for every 1 computer programming job there are over a hundred applicants.

Unfortunately the right wing isn't as Christian as they pretend to be because mostly what I see, when by nothing but chance and circumstance, another human falls on hard times is "haha you're dumb."

It is perfectly possible to at once be happy with your own situation, and at the same time feel empathy for another not in your situation, as alien as that sounds to many.

I don't believe anyone with even a minimal grasp on reality does not realize that there are always those who simply do not want to work,

but this idea that it's 9%, and in real life closer to 18% of the population is ridiculous.

The vast, vast majority of the unemployed or underemployed right now are so not out of laziness, but because banks, housing and large corporations used our economy like a Las Vegas craps table on the Stock Market. People are starting to see that the state of our economy is due in large part to that, and at the same time those responsible are actually getting richer in spite of their reckless behavior. It's infuriating, and should be to anyone, even if they happen to still have a good job.

Side: Yay for Occupy Wallstreet
1 point

There are plenty of unemployed computer engineers and unemployed people who have BA's in biology. That poor girl's been horribly mislead by her parents.

Finally, this is evidence that creating false demand will eventually create a bubble and crash a market much faster than the natural economic cycle. Education Bubble

The median family income has decreased, the cost of living, everything from groceries to seeing a doctor has increased, in many cases ten fold


If inflation is just a general rise in prices, then why is it regarded as bad news? What kind of damage does it do? Mainstream economists maintain that inflation, which they label as general price increases, causes speculative buying, which generates waste. Inflation, it is maintained, also erodes the real incomes of pensioners and low-income earners and causes a misallocation of resources. Inflation

while the top 1% have increased profits by taking advantage of tax loopholes, shipping jobs overseas....

Some companies try to take advantage of tax loopholes because if they didn't, more jobs would have to be shipped overseas BECAUSE the U.S. has the highest corporate tax rate in the world. Corporate Tax

Corporate bankruptcy happens all the time, and the only people at fault for giving out bailouts is government, and people LIKE YOURSELF who agreed that companies should be bailed out. You agreed to bailing out Wall Street and GM and Chrysler.

Lobbyists are just evidence of crony capitalism and not free market capitalism.

All the while morons like that girl and her parents blame the victim.

Is the little girl a little harsh? Yeah!!

Lets not forgot that this economic mess was created by government creating the HOUSING BUBBLE that burst in 2008, and the EDUCATION BUBBLE burst in 2010 through an endless supply of cheap credit.

I don't know what's more pathetic, that we've been allowing the hostile corporate takeover of the greatest country on earth for the past several decades,

It is sad to see that CRONY CAPITALISM has been driven into fifth gear.

or that so many of the peasants not in the top 1° (including joecalvery) so vehemently defend their corporate masters.

That is harsh, since nobody wants crony capitalism except the top 1% in GOVERNMENT AND CORPORATE.

Side: Booh for Occupy Wallstreet

Now you can make love AND protest Wall Street ;)

Side: Yay for Occupy Wallstreet

The system is broken and some people want to make it worst.

The people lack their voice.

So their trying to take it back and fix the system.

A common theme, at least at occupy indy is ending the fed or reforming it, and also talk about tax systems.

Also, the influence money has on politics and government transparency is a very common theme.

Its not a bunch of hippies, although a few do little to give credit to that claim(at least hippy girls tend to be sexy...Ah pun! )

Did you know there is a natural rate of unemployment?

Did you know that for every dollar made more than one dollar is owed, fractional reserve banking.

Did you know that money is considered free speech, even when it disrupts our democratic processes?


Blaming people for flaws in the system is absurd.

People are perfect, at least when it comes to questions of if they are to blame or if the system is since people are the product of the system. Its time to change that, and make the system the product of the people. Sadly, this requires the people to take to the streets.

Side: Yay for Occupy Wallstreet

People have every reason to be pissed off. Corporations leach off Middle Class citizens until those citizens have been sucked dry into the Lower Class. This happens all the time. People can therefore be pissed off at being the victims, fear of becoming the victims, or just be pissed off at the fact that there are victims of this crime in the first place!

I'm glad that they're Occupying. They've inspired other countries to do the same. Maybe the fear of violent riots will actually cause governments to do the right thing and stop being apart of corporate fascism.

Side: Yay for Occupy Wallstreet

I know, right!? Companies like Apple that leach off the consumers by making them want to buy the new version of their crap when they should have put the new feature in the first version ;)

Side: Yay for Occupy Wallstreet

Thanks for mocking me. ;D

Side: Yay for Occupy Wallstreet

This country was not built by hippies looking for a handout ;)

Side: Booh for Occupy Wallstreet
1 point

Ultimately this is the governments fault for putting restraints on businesses who are scared to hire anyone because they don't know when they will have to pay more. However, these crowds include people who want to spread the wealth. Our country is one of few in the world where you can stand out and benefit from handwork and some of these people want to take that away.

Side: Booh for Occupy Wallstreet
garry77777(1775) Disputed
1 point

Ya it was developed largely by fundamentalist wackjobs from Britain, Germany, Holland etc., if it wasn't for the hispanic, irish, mexican (and others) influence on american the coutnry would have no fucking soul, look at your country before the sixties, really is that a place you'd want to live in, fuck id barely live there now, you know your country and China have the largest per capita execution rates than any other country in the world. Not a stat id be very proud of, especailly since you pontificate about all these backward countries, and then go kill them to show them how they should be living.

Without those hippies you hate sp much the civil right movement would have never occured, i dread to think what kind of country the US would be if that 60s never happened, you should be commending these people.

Side: Yay for Occupy Wallstreet

The 50's were much better than the 60's.... freaking hippies ;)

Side: Yay for Occupy Wallstreet
1 point

There are more productive and successful ways to make the Wall Street criminals who 'got away with it' pay for their own mistakes and perhaps even go to prison. Occupy Wall Street will send no one to prison or jail except perhaps themselves.

Side: Booh for Occupy Wallstreet

There is nothing wrong with protesting or gathering or having an opinion. I also have a lot of sympathy for the people who fall through the cracks of our society and system but honestly only a handful of people have any right to complain the rest of them are in the situation they are in because of their own choices. If they don't like it they can fix it with a few exceptions a person in this country and system can be whatever they want. If a small part of the "99%" change everything they want to change without considering the voices of the rest of the 99% they are just as bad as the street they hate.

Side: Booh for Occupy Wallstreet
garry77777(1775) Disputed
2 points

"If a small part of the "99%" change everything they want to change without considering the voices of the rest of the 99% they are just as bad as the street they hate."

Actually one of their main goals is to achieve real democracy(so the rest of the 99%'s vioices can be heard), not the fake kind you have at the moment where every year the two parties come out and give the illusion of choice in some pointless election. Then later the interests of the 1% are served, there your point is moot.

Side: Yay for Occupy Wallstreet

This is a huge waste of time. Maybe instead of protesting and use time wisely, they should be focusing on finding jobs.


1. Housing

2. Education

Side: Booh for Occupy Wallstreet