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crumple up fold wipe, refold and wipe
Debate Score:62
Total Votes:64
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 crumple up (18)
 fold wipe, refold and wipe (21)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Do you crumple up Toilet Paper and wipe or fold wipe, refold and wipe?

If you crumple up and wipe, then you have to throw it away after one wipe because you can't uncrumple and wipe again.  This is a waste of TP assuming you use the same number of squares as those who fold wipe, refold and wipe again.  I think the average number of squares used is 6, or do you just roll off a piece as long as your arm?

crumple up

Side Score: 35

fold wipe, refold and wipe

Side Score: 27
5 points

Eh sadly I crumple, I might try folding but I have always crumpled, I take a length about a little over half my arm and crumple the first part use then crumple some more until it is all used and crumpled. I don't think I am wasting any more T paper than anyone else. Funny that nobody else has posted on this side =\

Side: crumple up
HGrey87(750) Disputed
2 points

I used to crumple. I never went back.

Except that one-ply stuff. You pretty much have to crumple.

Side: fold wipe, refold and wipe
6 points

Exactly I have the cheap stuff at my house and if you decided to be a folder in my house you would not be a happy camper with the results.

Side: crumple up
2 points

Haha! I waste toilet paper like there is no tomorrow. I crumple up to 15 squares because I can't stand fecal matter. It's disgusting, and I want nothing to do with it. I think the average number of squares I use is 6 though.

Side: crumple up
2 points

I agree 100%. Though I am not a crumpler per se. Fecal matter is nasty I despise people who leave skid marks.

Side: crumple up
1 point

I don't really crumple it up or fold it per se, I usually roll it around my index and middle finger until it's formed into a feather pillow-like softness. I once dated a chick who told me she folds the toilet paper and her ass-hole was never that clean. Screw the green bullshit, focus on hygiene. Sorry,

no sheryl crow here I simplely don't believe in Al-gore's lie.

Side: crumple up

Do you then shove that finger way up there as far as it will go and repeat the process until it is clean? This is the only way to make sure you're as clean as can be ;)

Side: crumple up
Watchman(13) Disputed
2 points

You talking to me? No. Don't be so nasty or irrational, but I do use baby wipes. And sometimes I will even take a shower afterward.

Side: fold wipe, refold and wipe
1 point

Well, I am also a hyper-wiper and use to crumpled it like there's no tomorrow. There's an unlimited stock of TP on my house so I really don't give a s#!t if I can use the whole roll by a single going to the bathroom as long as I feel clean.

Side: crumple up

Maybe try a bidet ;)

Side: crumple up

Your blog has created a community prostadine of engaged readers who appreciate your work.

Side: crumple up

This debate focuses on an ecological issue and as such it is a green debate. Those that see this debate as a bunch of crap may categorize this as a brown debate.

Either way, this argument is a very ecologically sound method because people that crumple toilet paper tend to take a piece that is longer than necessary and end up wasting more paper than the fold wipe, refold and wipe crowd. You know who you are; may you get crap on your fingers for your irresponsibility.

Some of you may want mathematical data so I urge Obama to fund a government study to put this question to rest and make America a greener place to live; although he may prefer brown ;)

Side: fold wipe, refold and wipe
1 point

Wow Joe, that has to be the funniest and most random debate title ever.

Everyone is all serious and bent out of shape these days, its nice to have some comic relief.

But yeah, I fold.

Side: fold wipe, refold and wipe
1 point

I take TWO squares, fold, wipe, fold, wipe, and possibly fold and wipe.


Anyone ever tried a bidet? I haven't, but maybe we should give em a shot.

Side: fold wipe, refold and wipe
1 point

I think that maybe we should, I mean they don't waste paper and it sounds like a fun experience lol.

Side: fold wipe, refold and wipe
1 point

I'm a folder.. :D

This is a rather funny yet interesting

Side: fold wipe, refold and wipe

Have you noticed that those that crumple haven't bothered to admit it? ;)

Side: fold wipe, refold and wipe
Watchman(13) Disputed
2 points

If crumpling is what I did, I would admit it, but's it's not exactly what I do, what is wrong with you?

Side: crumple up

I'm a twisted individual. A sick, pathetic, little man. But enough about me ;)

Side: crumple up
1 point


Crumpling is disgusting... I don't know why I think that, I just do.

And also check, that's right check. You can't feel if you're clean, you have to check after about the third wipe. Then continue wiping as necessary.

Also shave you're a$$ho!es you disgusting pigs.

There's no way you can possibly get all the crap off those little hairs on your butt. Let me tell you something, I shave, and it's a hundred times cleaner. Once you shave, you never go back... mostly 'cause it hurts when they get brisley, but also because it's clean.

Side: fold wipe, refold and wipe

I think those clumps on your little butt hairs are called dingle-berries ;);=Dingle-Berry

Side: fold wipe, refold and wipe
frenchieak(1132) Disputed
2 points

Where is this site going?!? :(

..................50 characters...........

Side: crumple up

Or Cling ons............................................................................

Side: fold wipe, refold and wipe
1 point

I crumpled when I was younger, but now I fold. 4 squares, fold once, wipe. fold again, wipe. fold again, wipe. fold again. wipe.

Side: fold wipe, refold and wipe
1 point

Actually, it kinda depends what mood I'm in. In a rush, grab a tonne of paper, crumple it chuck it crumple it, for some reason my brain assumes this to be quicker!! or if I'm just taking my time I fold it all neat and fold wipe fold wipe etc lol

Side: fold wipe, refold and wipe
1 point

I LOVE TO FOLD I MEAN IM BLACK SO I GET THE CHEAPEST SHIZ MY MA CAN FIND so if i crumple that ill have shiz all over the place plus when i take a dump I TAKE A DUMP dont get me wrong i dont all ways blow up the place but if i do u should stay out for about 35 - 45 minuts or more so imaging crupling that TP up then having to rewipe WTF i hav to et some mo tp and cruple that up then repeat untill my butt aint sticky then i gotta do like an EXTREAM HAND WASH FOR ABOUT 30 MINS HAVING TO SMELL WHAT I CREATED NOT btw this is my sissys acount not mines shell be bck lata

Side: fold wipe, refold and wipe
1 point

I am a folder and proud of it! First of all, crumpling is disgusting, you use the same piece of paper to wipe twice! That's unhygienic, even if you wash your hands after. You also waste paper by using lots of squares to crumple. By folding you can only rip a few squares of once, instead of unnecessarily using paper. When you fold and wipe again, you have a clean piece, which is hygienic and helpful! Kind regards, flder12

Side: fold wipe, refold and wipe
1 point


5 squares, you roll semi-tight around two fingers, then return the end to the top of the fold by spreading one finger apart. This gives you more folds at the end of the fold where all the work is happening

Side: fold wipe, refold and wipe