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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Maybe if they apply themselves It doesn't seem likely, no.
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Maybe if they apply themselves (1)
 It doesn't seem likely, no. (4)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40163) pic

Do you think China is going to take over the world any time soon?

Maybe if they apply themselves

Side Score: 1

It doesn't seem likely, no.

Side Score: 5

you know what they say, the softness overcomes the hardness...

Side: Maybe if they apply themselves
2 points

Holy fuck... I want that bike!

Side: It doesn't seem likely, no.

I put my money on the Germans ;)

Side: It doesn't seem likely, no.
wardogninja(1789) Clarified
1 point

Been there, done that.

GO ALLIES.................................

Side: Maybe if they apply themselves

China would not since the United nation`s combined military forces vastly outnumber them. Their technological arms are less advanced than those of the British and the Americans. Their resources would not be sufficient enough to sustain up until the end of their campaign since the world is still too big for China to handle.

Side: It doesn't seem likely, no.
1 point

China will never, never, never surpass the USA. No country (except) Israel could surpass the USA.

Side: It doesn't seem likely, no.