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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Yay! Wait..., I don't get it...
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:13
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 Yay! (1)
 Wait..., I don't get it... (12)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

FINALLY!!! the meaning of life revealed.


Side Score: 1

Wait..., I don't get it...

Side Score: 12

If anyone, ever again, asks about the meaning of life, please redirect them to this debate ;)

Side: Yay!
1 point

Finally??? Picasso has been dead for 40 years.

Side: Wait..., I don't get it...

Yeah, but you didn't know the meaning of life until just now ;)

Side: Wait..., I don't get it...

Nah..... I think I'll skip the pancakes and have the waffles.

Side: Wait..., I don't get it...

Why is that the meaning though and how has it been empirically proven?

Side: Wait..., I don't get it...

I don't think a man who has painted some of the most revolting pictures in the history of art should be commenting on the meaning of life.

When I went with my school on a trip to Barcelona and saw some of his art in the Picasso museum, some of it were of nude women having their periods. In one of them the period blood was flowing into the mouth of Fish. It was so gross we were all so disgusted.

Side: Wait..., I don't get it...

Lol wait until you get married ;)

Side: Wait..., I don't get it...

Do you have to look at period blood when you are married? In that case I'm single for life.

Side: Wait..., I don't get it...