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 Family had to be rescued when they were unable to solve a corn maze before sunset (20)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Family had to be rescued when they were unable to solve a corn maze before sunset

A local family had to be retrieved by the police on Monday when they were unable to find the exit to Mr. Connor’s maze before the sun set. The parents, toting an infant and a small child, panicked and called 911, setting off a chain of events that soon turned them into a target for late-night jabs from television hosts like Jay Leno and Chelsea Handler. (The punch line, Mr. Connor said, was that the family was about 25 feet from the exit when they called for help.)

Modern corn mazes are complex systems designed with the aid of sophisticated computer programs. But they are meant to be challenging, not life-threatening, according to maze builders, and getting out should never require a police escort.

Mr. Connors, the proprietor of the Massachusetts farm, said that in five years of hosting visitors at corn mazes, he has never before had one who needed to be rescued — probably because he gives every visitor a “passport” with clues on how to get out. There are also signs posted within the maze advising lost customers to send a “corn text” from their mobile phone to a help number.

And if all else fails, he advises the simplest way out.

“It’s not like 100-acre field out there,” he said. “Just cut through the corn.”

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I hate stupid people ;)

1 point

Don't we all hate liberals?

1 point

Good grief! Now all the liberals will expect the government to guide them out of corn mazes.

Yes, those are the people who require 911. The rest of us just use Marine logic ;)

1 point

Ok, for me the sad part is of the 99% everyone refers to in the Occupy Wall Street, there is the 1% of the 99% who can't find their way out of a paper bag (or corn maze in the case). Maybe those are also the ones protesting?

Either way it is really sad that they had to call the police.

Side: Idiots

That's what I'm saying! Let's go to Wall Street and get rid of the 1% that can't find its way out of a corn maze ;)

Side: Idiots
1 point

These are the sort of people Natural Selection would have weeded out of existence several thousand years ago.

Side: Idiots

We need to put Darwinism back into society. ;)

Side: Idiots
1 point

Yes, we do...except between welfare and obamacare, we don't stand a chance.

Side: Idiots
1 point

Clearly there needs to be a Degree (or a GCSE at least that) that trains children how to get out of corn mazes, in fact there should be a University specializing in that sort of thing.

Or we could just let the idiots die in there and stop breeding stupid children.

Side: Idiots

The stupidity of some people is simply amazing. How does one panic about being in a corn maze? Seriously, in all doubt, walk through the corn.

Side: Idiots