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True Wait..., what? No!
Debate Score:96
Total Votes:114
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 True (26)
 Wait..., what? No! (27)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

For those of you who lack faith, this is how God operates

If you don't know GOD, don't make stupid remarks!!!!!!
A United States Marine was taking some college courses
Between assignments. He had completed 20 missions in Iraq
And Afghanistan . One of the courses had a professor who
Was an avowed atheist, and a member of the ACLU.

One day the professor shocked the class when he came in.
He looked to the ceiling and flatly stated, "GOD, if you are real, then
I want you to knock me off this platform... I'll give you exactly 15 min."

The lecture room fell silent. You could hear a pin drop. Ten minutes
Went by and the professor proclaimed, "Here I am GOD, I'm still waiting."

It got down to the last couple of minutes when the Marine got
Out of his chair, went up to the professor, and hit him;
Knocking him off the platform. The professor was out cold.

The Marine went back to his seat and sat there, silently.

The other students were shocked and stunned, and sat there
Looking on in silence. The professor eventually came to,
Noticeably shaken, looked at the Marine and asked,
"What in the world is the matter with you? Why did you do that?"

The Marine calmly replied,
"GOD was too busy today protecting
Soldiers who are protecting your right to say stupid
Stuff and act like an idiot. So He sent me."


Side Score: 38

Wait..., what? No!

Side Score: 58
3 points

There was a flood and one guy was on the roof smiling. There was thunder and lighting in the air. A couple of passengers passed by him and told him to hop on board. The guy said "no" because God will save him. A second time a boat passed him and offered a ride. And a third time as well. The guy on the roof was shocked by lighting and died. When he was in front of God, he asked him "why didn't you saved him." God replied: "I did by offering you three boat rides."

God works in weird ways. Maybe he is busy. Maybe he is not perfect. On the seventh day he rested and that could indicate that he becomes tired.

Side: True

OK..., this probably never happened...., but it makes for good CD fodder ;)

Side: True
2 points

The Marine calmly replied,

"GOD was too busy today protecting

Soldiers who are protecting your right to say stupid

Stuff and act like an idiot. So He sent me."





A Marine would never say this. How do I know? Because Marines aren't soldiers, a soldier is someone who is the Army. A Marine is a Marine.

Also, the picture of John Cena is a nice touch. Ha!

Side: True
2 points

just think , a student( marine) would never has potential to hit his teacher.... however, that marine did. hence, it clearly proves that something(god) had told him to take that hard step. ..... just think it deeper....

Side: True
1 point

thank you you pretty much said exactly what i was thinking

Side: True
Bohemian(3858) Disputed
1 point

Well, considering the story is fabricated, I don't think it proves anything.

Side: Wait..., What? No!
2 points

The irony of this statement is that it is true, the marine who struck the professor in the clearly fictional story is GOD, and so am i and whoever is reading this.

Side: True
0 points

"With faith, no explanation is necessary. Without faith, no explanation is possible.”

Side: True
3 points

Absolutely the dumbest quote on the face of the planet.......................

Side: Wait..., What? No!
Billie(790) Disputed
2 points

St Thomas Aquinas was an extremely intelligent individual - far more so than the likes of you - so if that quote of his is very dumb then I can barely even begin to imagine what kind of horseshit you could construct. In addition to this, the fact that you did not go on to explain why it was so "dumb" implies that it was in fact not dumb but you just didn't like it very much as you fit in to the latter end of the quote - which overall proves that the quote is perfectly accurate - you disputed with no explanation. throws back head and laughs

Side: True
Bohemian(3858) Disputed
1 point

"With faith, no explanation is necessary.

Certainly something unreasonable such as faith, requires no reason; it abhors such.

Without faith, no explanation is possible.”

Explanation based on fact, logic, sound reasoning, and evidence... Does not require faith.

Side: Wait..., What? No!
0 points

it makes perfect sense just because you are an athiest doesnt mean you have to make fun of this quote. its pretty good for those who believe in god. if you are atheist you arent part of it.

Side: True
6 points

"When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised that the Lord doesn’t work that way so I stole one and asked Him to forgive me."

Side: Wait..., What? No!
2 points

For those of you who lack faith, this is how a non-existent god works.

A devout christian was teaching a class la-de-da-de-da.

He said if you don't exist make a gerbal crawl up my ass la-de-da-de-da.

Something something soldiers...

See atheists can do that too accept we don't disclude a segment of society (including soldiers) who don't believe your specific fairy tail.

- notice I ignore the fact that like a typical christian the marine resorts to violence. such a violent religion this christianity is.

Side: more christians talk the dumber they get

What's so bad about violence? If there's a God, then he either created (or allowed) violence. Hell, he even wiped out a whole bunch of people with His flood. How violent is that?

Now, if there is no God, then violence is the natural order of things. I can't think of a single species that doesn't know violence.

So, if God condones violence, and nature condones violence, then..., it's all good ;)


Side: Wait..., What? No!
Uspwns101(443) Disputed
1 point

How does your story even make sense? You can do it too? As in you can babble on for line after line about nothing and claim it is the same thing? Great argument right there

Side: True
1 point

I've come to the conclusion that anything circulated via chain E-mail is false 99.99999999999% of the time.

Side: Wait..., What? No!

You got one too ;)

Side: Wait..., What? No!
2 points

These e-mails have been circulating for many years. The exact details of the story change every-time. This is the first time I've seen them describe the evil atheist professor as belonging to the ACLU. That is a funny detail to include. He isn't just an atheist. He is a LIBERAL atheist. haha!

Side: Wait..., What? No!
1 point

Let me start by saying this story is bull.

And because he was doing it by his faith it was okay for him to be violent?

This story doesn't prove anything except maybe saying that people react too strongly to others questioning their faith.

Side: Wait..., What? No!
Uspwns101(443) Disputed
2 points

So what justifies the professor wasting over 15 minutes of students time that they paid for in order to prove a point and when he was proven wrong he acts insulted? The people who should really be insulted are the people who had to sit in that class and listen to a complete prick rant about how many of them are wrong in their faith? Maybe it proves that atheists like him are truly something that is wrong with the world.

Side: True
Bohemian(3858) Disputed
1 point

You do realize that this story is completely fictional, right?

Side: Wait..., What? No!
1 point

Fucking foolish. As though god would subscribe to our american agenda as opposed to a more kind and humble nation, and that he would protect our marines but not feed starving Africans....... Stop me noooow!

Side: Wait..., What? No!