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If they give me a good deal Hell no!
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:14
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 If they give me a good deal (4)
 Hell no! (6)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Given Global Warming, would you buy a time share in Hawaii?

With the polar ice caps melting, hawaii should be underwater in no time.

If they give me a good deal

Side Score: 4

Hell no!

Side Score: 8
1 point

For two reasons.

1) I am very hopeful that we can combine our good efforts and our ingenious technology in order to save our world.

2) If we're gonna die, I'm dying there.

Side: If they give me a good deal
nagtroll(275) Disputed
0 points

Only if i get a govt subsidy, maybe from the Trillions spending bill.

Unfortunately, those are reserved for unscrupulous bankers.

Side: government money is not for you
1 point

why not global warming doesn't relay exist. cant prov it by me it was warmer in April than it was in July up here in NH

Side: If they give me a good deal
Avedomni(78) Disputed
3 points

As a first note, your "arguments" would carry more weight if you bothered to spell correctly and made at least a passing attempt at using proper grammar.

why not global warming doesn't relay exist.

Global warming has a mountain of evidence supporting it. Feel free to present actual evidence against it and perhaps people will pay attention to you.

cant prov it by me it was warmer in April than it was in July up here in NH

You're either wrong or lying, because the mean temperature for NH in April was 43 F while that in July was 60 F. (source)

As another source, WolframAlpha gives means of 45 F and 63 F, respectively.

To be fair, you might mean maximums, since for April we have 88 F while for July we have 84 F (same Wolfram source), but that's hardly relevant when their minimums were so far apart (23 F as compared to 45 F; notice that July's low was April's mean).

All of that aside, though, a four month spread is almost completely irrelevant in the context of Global Warming, which deals with trends over decades.

Side: Hell no!
1 point

Regional temperatures are not an accurate reflection on global trends. If you want some idea how global temperatures have been acting in the past hundred years look at this graph.

Side: Hell no!
1 point

I wouldn't buy a time share in the first place I would rather actually own my property. Besides that the owner of the time share is making alto of money off of people who have to much money to throw around. I prefer hotel rooms because they don't cost alto and they are in way more places so you don't end up going to the same place nor do you feel obligated to go someplace because your spending money on it. I definitely wouldn't get a time share in Hawaii since it might be flooded out and I don't particularly like the idea of being out of sight of land on the way there.

Side: Hell no!
1 point

No, but it would have nothing to do with global warming. I mean, hell, I live in Florida, which is almost as bad a place to live.

I just wouldn't buy a timeshare. Ever. I've been around Whorelando too long and know the tactics used here and the properties you actually get ('round here) for your money are kind of crappy.

I'm sure Hawaii would be fairly similar in terms of tourism b/s.

Side: Hell no!

They tried to sell me a time share and I'm like, "What are you nuts?" I came here to see Hawaii before it goes under ;)

Side: Hell no!
republican(71) Disputed
1 point

What do you mean "Before it goes under?" Ice has a lower density than liquid water, so if the ice caps were to melt, ocean levels could drop.

Side: If they give me a good deal

Are you saying I missed out on a good deal? Also, I thought that all of this global warming flood thing was one of the scare tactics used by the GW crowd ;)

Side: Hell no!