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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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True. Say whaaaat?
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 True. (1)
 Say whaaaat? (4)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

God intended for us to live like animals but WE came up with good and evil.

Then we started fighting among ourselves over what is right and wrong and what God likes and dislikes and God tried to tell us what he intended but we didn't listen and he threw up his hands up in the air and said, "Fuck you people." and He left.  Then dogs were like, "These poor bastards are going to need help if they're going to make it." and cats were like, "We can so troll these idiots." and they came with us.  The rest of the animals decided to steer clear of us.

It's a little overly simplified but that's what happened in a nut shell. You don't see animals debating gay marriage or sodomy or anything.


Side Score: 3

Say whaaaat?

Side Score: 4

So I woke up and had this epiffanny and then I rolled over and did this girl called Tiffanny. ;)

Side: True.

God told people all the things we should not to do, but he didn't tell us why we shouldn't do it. Some people took the warning at face value and pretty much thought"Do this and you'll be punished in the after life". Others didn't 'see' why something that was so much fun could be so bad. Few actually looked for a deeper meaning and found that those things actually affected us negatively in our mortal lives and not just the afterlife. So I would say he did tell us the things that were evil, but not why those things are evil, THEN people came up with what's good and evil based off their many different perspectives and understanding of the situation. You are not wrong, but you are not completely right either. o.o

Side: Say whaaaat?

I was making a reference to Genesis. Adam and Eve. The tree of knowledge. ;)

Side: Say whaaaat?

Animals fight themselves too .. It's not like it's a ''human thing'' to fight.

Side: Say whaaaat?

Yeah but they don't fight over gay marriage, sodomy, religion and shit like that ;)

Side: Say whaaaat?