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Nothing you can't handle Prepare your anus
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 Nothing you can't handle (4)
 Prepare your anus (4)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

God loved his son so much He sent him down to be crusified.

What will he do to us?

Nothing you can't handle

Side Score: 4

Prepare your anus

Side Score: 8
1 point

God's son (Jesus) is how God himself came to redeem man ....

he prepared for himself a body ....... absorb the book of Hebrews


find out the person / the position and the plan of Jesus (God in the flesh)

Side: Nothing you can't handle
1 point

I feel if we do not believe in him he may throw us in to space and never stop, which is the worst hell I can imagine darkness with nothing, damn got too serious

Side: Nothing you can't handle

Don't forget that this same god also defines what is good and what is evil, and defines the appropriate punishment for it. The punishment is eternal suffering, which is hugely disproportionate to any amount of wrongdoing that could be committed during a finite lifespan; a person who was a thousand times worse than hitler would still not deserve this.

If the christian god is real and the bible is an accurate reflection of his character, then we're dealing with a god who chose to set things up so that sacrificing his son was mankinds only way out. We're dealing with a god who created extra flesh on the most sensitive part of a mans body, and then went on to insist that his followers cut said flesh off. The christian god could have made ANYTHING a valid payment for sin, and he chose to make that payment his own son- oh, except the son still doesn't actually die. "I GAVE YOU MY SON!" seems like pandering for respect to me, especially considering he cheated (cough)resurrection(cough). #trollgod

If the christian god is real, I find it far more likely that the bible has been somehow subverted- probably at some point well before the printing press when every copy had to be transcribed manually.

Side: Prepare your anus
dadman(1703) Disputed
1 point

maybe a better understanding for you ....

from someone who has studied and preached the scripture for 50 years

. .

I don't believe we finite limited humans realize the severity of our sin before a holy God ... and the extent God has reached to save us from this awful fate of eternal damnation

Side: Nothing you can't handle
3 points

I don't believe we finite limited humans realize the severity of our sin before a holy God ... and the extent God has reached to save us from this awful fate of eternal damnation

We don't need to realize the severity because it's irrelevant. If god as understood by christianity is real, and unless you assert that the christian god is not in fact omnipotent and omniscient, then the actual severity of our sins is determined by that god; the punishment for said sins is determined by that god, and the price of redemption is determined by that god. To say otherwise is to say that sin and punishment are outside of gods control, which is to say that at the very least god is not omnipotent- and if that god is omniscient, then he certainly holds some culpability for the sins of his creations as well. But it goes beyond that- sin and punishment being outside of gods control does not only serve as evidence of limitations to omnipotence and omniscience, it also means that the concept of sin is equally applicable to god, who in that light is certainly guilty of numerous cardinal sins. Either god controls sin and punishment at a conceptual level, therefore choosing disproportionate punishments for arbitrary offenses and offering a token gesture of 'forgiveness' that beats out the best executed internet trolls in terms of unbridled arrogance and condescension, or god himself is a sinner. Either way, it's inconsistent with the image of god as christians assert it.

I'll restate it: If there is any truth to the christian god, it is not accurately reflected by the bible. In this hypothetical scenario, the bible has quite obviously been subverted to serve the ends of Satan and his minions. This is entirely consistent with the prince of lies' agenda, would be easily accomplished since the printing press and its like wouldn't be invented for nearly 2 millennia, and there is even scripture indicating that such subversion is indeed possible, with threats of dire punishment for anyone who attempts to do so. This could even explain the many apparent inconsistencies and flaws in the bible, to a certain extent, that drive most people away from the bible and christianity- and right into Satan's arms, according to your worldview.

The likeliest scenario: The christian god simply doesn't exist.

The likeliest scenario assuming god exists: The concept of god that christians hold is a caricature of the real thing cause by subverted scripture.

The impossible scenario: The concept of god that christians hold is reflective of an actual gods actual qualities which are accurately described in the bible.

Side: Prepare your anus

Robin Williams was not able to handle the cards dealt to him ;)

Side: Prepare your anus
1 point

Some parents are just dicks.

Side: Prepare your anus