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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Sounds about right. That can't be right.
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 Sounds about right. (3)
 That can't be right. (4)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

God's job is to sort people out so everyone ends up in heaven but not the same place.

For example, God places all the liberals in one place and all the conservatives in another place and the liberals think they are in heaven and that the conservatives are in hell but the conservatives know better ;)

Sounds about right.

Side Score: 3

That can't be right.

Side Score: 6
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If you put two liberals together, they will try to get money from each other.

Lib-1: "You should pay for my health care you greedy, rich, bastard."

Lib-2: "No. You are the greedy, rich, bastard. You pay for my health care."

Lib-1: "No, you!"

Lib-2: "No, you!"

and so on until the end of time. ;)

Side: That can't be right.
Depressed(355) Disputed
1 point

The conservatives would go like this:

Con-1: "You should pay for your own healthcare to mend your broken leg so you can actually move and go back to work to earn the money to pay off the loan you took out to pay it which gains interest faster than the rate at which you gain money even though that would starve you and your family to a level of famine that would cripple them beyond repair and kill your family off leaving only you and your poor ass alive in the end."

Con-2: "Yeah I really should do that because if I was rich I would be a greedy cunt like you are and make the poor guy suffer for being born into poverty and never getting a fair chance at succeeding in life!"

Lib-1: "Lol"

Lib-2: "xD"

Side: Sounds about right.
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

Overall, three-quarters of the people with a medically-related bankruptcy had health insurance. Hmm, what does that mean? Looks like the liberal system of forcing everyone to pay for health insurance doesn't protect you from your scenario.

Supporting Evidence: Medical Bankruptcy (
Side: That can't be right.