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Let's try it Wait..., What? No!
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Let's try it (4)

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joecavalry(40131) pic


 We have scientists, chemists, astronauts, doctors and biologists, but it took two farmers to think up something like this.  God bless rednecks!!!

Let's try it

Side Score: 5

Wait..., What? No!

Side Score: 0

People give red necks a hard time but they are very ingenious. The reason Japan never invaded the U.S.A. mainland during WWII is because they knew they would have to deal with gun packing, beer drinking, red necks that would have organized a Japanese Tea Party and kicked their ass all the way back to Japan ;)

Side: Let's try it

These farmers experience knowledge from experience instead of a degree at MIT. If only BP would listen to ideas as such, and if it failed, well, it was just as good as the other failed attempts of BP.

Side: Let's try it
1 point

Well wtf? Why aren't we doing this? That seemed to work awsome.

I'm getting the sneaking suspicion, with all of the potential solutions I've seen, that BP just wants to do it themselves so they can somehow take the credit for the clean-up later.

And why the fuck is that CEO not in prison? I'm so tired of hearing that guy talk on the news. He obviously doesn't no is ass from that alien melon of his when it comes to an oil spill and considering his company that he's in charge of commited this blatant act of eco-terrorism fully ignoring regulations, he should be treated as such.

Side: Let's try it

BP has nothing to lose at this point. They should consider methods from the American public because they are the ones who are most upset about it. It was a smart move for them to open a Twitter page. Now they should open a Face book page too.

Side: Let's try it
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