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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Debate Score:9
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 Has anyone here played this game? (5)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Has anyone here played this game?

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Is it like Age of Empires?

What does the girl in the picture have to do with the game? Does she have a cameo role? Is she only there to get you to click on her? What are we supposed to expect once we click on her? More pictures of her? Is she there to give women an idea of what they should wear? If your wife or girlfriend wore that, would you click on her? Is clicking on scantily clad women the digital version of saying, "I'd hit that!" Do game companies not realize that these pictures create more questions than anything else? ;)

2 points

I believe you'll find that there are countless games with exactly the same game mechanics and identical advertisements. The only thing that really changes is the name and the scantily clad female who features on all the advertisements.

2 points

In reality, the ears would be kind of a turn off. Just imagine dating her for the first week with her hair down and then one day she shows up with it in a pony tail and you see those surf boards on the side of her head. Hell, even with her hair down they'd probably stick out! I'd have to make her wear a beanie or something.

1 point

Nope because I can't see the picture really in the debate so I have no clue what game it is.