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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

Yes, it works. Uh..., no.
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:13
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 Yes, it works. (4)
 Uh..., no. (9)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40163) pic

Has anyone tried this method of beating Flappy bird?

Yes, it works.

Side Score: 4

Uh..., no.

Side Score: 9
1 point

Oh shit, this legit worked!

Side: Yes, it works.

I have gone through 2 tablets with this game. I will never throw my totes fabu baby! I think I need a therapist though because this game make me wanna kill somebody.

Side: Yes, it works.
1 point

Oh shit! I think that guy works at the QuickieMart down the street.

Side: Yes, it works.

They have stores just for quickies where you live? Isn't prostitution illegal everywhere in America?

Side: Yes, it works.
Hellno(17753) Disputed
1 point

Not in Nevada.

Side: Uh..., no.
1 point

Two hands on the phone. Maximize stability, lessen the chance you accidentally click too much, or too little.

Put the brightest low and put the phone close to you face. Decrease the amount of time it takes for you to react to a pipe's height.

Turn on some music. Gives you a rhythm to calm your mind, if you're into that.

That is how you get a 27 on Flappy Bird.

Side: Uh..., no.

I got a 65. Lol 27? Thats a little poor, but hey its hard. My friend totes got 175 and I was like whaaa???

Side: Uh..., no.

The most I can get is 3. Seriously it is stupidly hard, how can any one get more than 10?

Side: Uh..., no.

I've discovered that I do best when I'm not too focused on the game, like if I have TV on in the background and am listening to the conversations. I'm up to 105 points so far.

Side: Uh..., no.

I have noticed I do better when doing this with most Games like Temple run to.

Side: Uh..., no.

Can't do this for two reasons.

1. I can't drive yet

2.If I did this with my Mum's iPad mini which I use to play it my life would be over.

Side: Uh..., no.
1 point

No, because I don't have phone.

Side: Uh..., no.