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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Yes. Because ... No. Because ...
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:14
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 Yes. Because ... (8)
 No. Because ... (3)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

Has society outgrown its need for fiat money and governments?

It seems like fiat money and governments come with a set of advantages and disadvantages that we may prefer to replace; with something entirely different and that comes with a different set of advantages and disadvantages.

Yes. Because ...

Side Score: 10

No. Because ...

Side Score: 4

I don't like the fact that the Federal Reserve (the private entity of bankers that control the U.S. dollar) can reduce the value of my savings with its monetary policies. It is as though they can steal from me with impunity. Where are the checks and balances? Who are they accountable to? Who regulates/oversees them to make sure that they are not acting under conflicting interests?

We should get rid of it all and write a book:

"Goodnight Obama, Goodnight Rush, and Goodnight Bernanke whispering hush.

Goodnight Goldman, Goodnight Sachs and Goodnight to our beloved Green Back." ;)

Side: Yes. Because ...

Excellent Joe, it is about time that we abolish the Federal Reserve and allow free markets to govern the currency.

Side: Yes. Because ...

Yeah but..., what about the book? Did you like the book? I mean, it's a rough draft right now but.... what do you think so far? ;)

Side: Yes. Because ...
1 point

Looks like they're already sinking the Dollar-Cruise liner. If you've seen the deabet "U.S dollar's going down" you'ld understand this.

Side: Yes. Because ...
2 points

No. Because you see if we get rid of governments, the cornerstones of society, who pays for the military? Who decides how to talk to foreign countries? How do we determine representatives to give everyone a practical voice (not pragmatic with direct democracy).

If anything society has grown to need money and governments. Currency makes the world run efficiently, as do governments. Without the two we'd all be living in caves, trading rocks and spears and living to the age of 27.

Side: No. Because ...
Axmeister(4311) Disputed
3 points

"No. Because you see if we get rid of governments, the cornerstones of society,"

If society was a building, Government would be the roof, the cornerstones would be a key thing for a country like production.

"who pays for the military?"

We do, it's called tax. Government just acts like a middle mand who takes a bit on the way through.

"Who decides how to talk to foreign countries?"

See that's the probem with the U.S, here in Britain we have the Monarchy.

"How do we determine representatives to give everyone a practical voice (not pragmatic with direct democracy)."

We don't that would be electing a government.

"If anything society has grown to need money and governments."

Only because the government has changed it so that happens.

"Currency makes the world run efficiently, as do governments."

Americanism teaches people that they need money, so that's what they believe and the government controls money. At the end of the day money is just a bit of paper that is only as valuable as someone things it should be.

"Without the two we'd all be living in caves, trading rocks and spears and living to the age of 27."

So what you're saying is, as soon as we got out of caves we thought:

"Hey, we need something to value everything and we need a group of people to control us and determine how we should live, and this will cause us to live beyond 27 summers and winters"

Side: Yes. Because ...

Well then..., if we don't get rid of them, at least make them more accountable to the people. But I would still rather write the Goodnight Book ;)

Side: No. Because ...
1 point

Wrong, we would not be living in caves, and trading rocks and spears because an nation or society's wealth is not measured by the money supply or government, but it is the products and services that people demand.

Side: Yes. Because ...
1 point

I don't see how we could get rid of currency, despite all its defects. What kind of alternative are you thinking of? Surely in this day and age it'd be impossible to return to a barter system.

Side: No. Because ...
1 point

First, read What did Government do to our money? By Murray Rothbard

Second, read The Case for the 100 % Gold Dollar by Murray Rohbard

Side: Yes. Because ...