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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Yeah, I'd like to know too! Wait..., what?
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 Yeah, I'd like to know too! (6)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40131) pic

Hey, IamDavidH, aren't you an artist? Why you tell people how they should feel?

If you're an artists, why are you here on CD telling people how they should feel about certain topics?


Yeah, I'd like to know too!

Side Score: 8

Wait..., what?

Side Score: 0

Every once in a while I feel the urge to tug on his chain ;)

Side: Yeah, I'd like to know too!

An artist eh? Well, musicians are always more attractive than artists so I don't care ;)

Side: Yeah, I'd like to know too!

I throw musicians in the same lot as artists ;)

So why are you telling people how they should feel about a particular topic?

Side: Yeah, I'd like to know too!

Why are musicians in the same boat as "artists"? ;)

Side: Yeah, I'd like to know too!
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