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 Honors US History Atomic Bomb (146)

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Honors US History Atomic Bomb

For Mr. Bergen's US History class.

Option 1: Make this a time for peace. Japan is defeated. Don't use the bomb.

Option 2: Act responsibly. Demonstate the power of the bomb. If Japan doesn't surrender, they are the immoral ones. We must lead by example.

Option 3: Push ahead to final victory. Fascism must end. Too many American lives have been lost. The bomb will save American lives.


Grading Scale:

A: Student has clear claim and provides facts and evidence in counterclaims and rebuttals. Student speaks almost exclusively from fact than from opinion. Student is effective at creating more debate with their counterclaim and rebuttals. Student consistently speaks with outside independent research. Student tone and language is appropriate and respectful.

B: Student has clear claim and provides facts and evidence in counterclaims and rebuttals. Student speaks more from fact than from opinion. Student is effective at creating more debate with their counterclaim and rebuttals. Student tone and language is appropriate and respectful.

C: Student has clear claim and provides opinion in counterclaims and rebuttals. Student speaks more from opinion than from facts. Student tone and language is appropriate and respectful.

F: Student has clear claim and provides only opinion in counterclaims and rebuttals. Student tone and language is appropriate and respectful.


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10 points

With the Japanese Empire weak, and every Japanese city demolished, it would be unnecessary and unjust to attack Japan with an Atomic Bomb.

4 points

Strategic bombing had already destroyed 25 to 50 percent of Japan's most important cities.

BossCesar(17) Disputed
2 points

Exactly cassandra, why would you bomb this already defeated country to pieces when they have already been clearly defeated!

jaydn_Torres(4) Disputed
2 points

Just because they were weak doesn't mean that they were still not killing Americans as well. In 1942, it was reported that not only were we fighting 2 million troops, but there women and children too. Thats double the load!

tbergen(65) Disputed
0 points

However, the Japanese Emperor is refusing to surrender and the kamikazee attacks are becoming more frequent, yo.

HectorIsDady(1) Clarified
2 points

Well the United States wanted to throw away their emperor. technically their "god". the Japanese wanted to keep their emperor. So they told the Soviet union to help the united states to come to an agreement. Pretty much they do want to surrender, but keep their emperor.

BossCesar(17) Disputed
1 point

The Japanese Emperor will have to eventually surrender though if he knows he is be clearly outnumbered by the U.S.

BossCesar(17) Disputed
1 point

The Japanese have already recognized their defeat and they are already preparing to surrender. Now with the soviets showing up, that will do it and no need of a bomb.

9 points

Post arguments pro/con option 2 here. Claim/Counter/and Rebut.

3 points

My option choice is number 2 because I believe before violence is needed, we should demonstrate the power of the atomic bomb to warn the enemy that what they're doing is not right and they will be punished if they don't correct themselves.

1 point

option 2. by bombing japan for the wrong doings they done the united states have power to put them in their place.

M_Guzman69(1) Disputed
0 points

if we show that we have the power of the bomb, then thatl onlyget them scared and will protect their cty, and what will they do to protect their city? they will atack us first, therfore we should bomb them, its either them or us ;)

2 points

it was necessary for America to shorten the war and demonstrating the bomb would have been more peaceful instead of us unexpectedly bombing Japan August 6th 1945 in Hiroshima killing 60,000-80,000 people and injury 1,000+

1 point

Dr.Oppenheimer stated that the visual effect of an atomic bombing would be tremendous. It would accompanied by a brilliant luminescence. A demonstration of this weapon/bomb on a island would make Japan realize the power that the U.S has and unconditionally surrender them ALONE

1 point

If Japan was to surrender because of the demonstration both american and Japanese lives would be saved. About 291,557 american soldiers died and over 2 million Japanese,both military civilians died. So by demonstrating could have saved time and millions of lives

9 points

Post arguments pro/con option 3 here. Claim/Counter/and Rebut.

michael2016(2) Disputed
0 points

US President Harry Truman also knew the powers of the devastating bomb that he would drop on thousands of innocent people, even many children. When he was told of the successful test of the atomic bomb - and then took the decision to use it with no warning - he wrote in his diary: "We have discovered the most terrible bomb in the history of the world." and he decided to use it on heavily populated cities knowing the civilian death toll would sky rocket.

8 points

I agree with Option 1: Make this a time for peace. Japan is defeated. Don't use the bomb. Japan was already weak, and to drop a bomb that, according to, INSTANTLY killed 80,000 people was UNNECESSARY! Thousands and thousands INNOCENT people were killed. Also, according to, "The US Strategic Bombing Survey concluded that, even without the use of the atomic bombs, without the Soviet Union entering the war and without an Allied invasion of Japan, the war would have ended before December 31, 1945." BAM. There's the answer.

andrewgarcia Disputed
1 point

Japan was not going to surrender because they follow the code of Bushido which means to not give up

RuthH(6) Disputed
2 points

Bushido is a code that says never surrender only to protect your master(the emporer). Had they thought their Emporer was going to be kept safe they would have surrendered.

ElesaVigil(12) Disputed
1 point

True Andrew, but Japanese cities have been demolished and their emperor is weak. The Bushido act would no longer take place because of that!

1 point

Honestly Bushido was never highly practiced."All soldiers were expected to adhere to it, although historically it had been the duty of higher ranked samurai and not common soldiers." With that in mind though I do agree that Japan was not willing to surrender because the common soldier did not have to follow this code.

7 points

The war was obviously in our favor. We did not need to drop the atomic bomb because the war was basically over. It was totally unnecessary.

President_RC(9) Disputed
3 points

like i said before. if we just let them "surrender" it is only a matter of time before they rebuild their army and begin more suprise attacks on the U.S.A

BossCesar(17) Disputed
2 points

Japan agreed on letting go of their army and lending the U.S. their constitution so that we can own them and prevent them from ever rebuilding their diabolical army again.

Akicita2016(6) Disputed
1 point

But they were not trying to rebuild their army. They just lost a war. If any attack was to be launched it would have been years later.

marianieto(8) Disputed
1 point

The Japanese weren't going to give up they were going to fight to the end. The Japanese had not given up their insane war by the time what makes you think that the atomic bomb shouldn't be use??

RuthH(6) Disputed
1 point

The Japanese weren't going to give up because their Emporer was threatened and we told them they had to surrender and give up their emporer. Had we allowed them to surrender and keep their Emporer they would have given up and the bomb would not have had to be used.

jaydn_Torres(4) Disputed
1 point

I respectfully disagree with you because the war was still not over and OUR American troops were still being killed without any remorce from the Japanese.

6 points

America should demonstrate a bomb on a deserted island to show that the US is powerful. With the demonstration no one would get hurt because the explosion would only effect life two-thirds of a mile.

3 points

I agree with Amanda because by demonstrating the atomic bomb on a deserted island, because the United States will be able to show how much power the bomb really has and what could happen to the Japanese if they do not unconditionally surrender.

4 points

Which will in the long run benefit both countries, it will lower the casualties and also not completely destroy the economy.

3 points

I agree with Amanda because a demonstration would create fear in the enemy

President_RC(9) Disputed
1 point

it took waaaay to long just to make one bomb.. why waist all that time and money just to "test it".. if we're going to drop it we need to get some results out of it.

DavidLovato1(6) Disputed
3 points

and by dropping a dropping a bomb in a deserted island we can set a standard and and show our power the plenty of result it doesn't always need to be a number or figure it can also be sociological

Amanda_C(9) Disputed
2 points

there were two bombs and America was in the process of making a third one. By demonstrating one bomb it would bring results. It would put Japan in a position to surrender and if they wanted to continue to fight then Japan would look cruel. The other bomb still could be used if the battle were to continue.

6 points

Post arguments pro/con option 1 here. Claim/Counter/and Rebut.

3 points

The bomb was devastating and was not human of us to put so many innocent people in terrible pain by dropping the bombs. Even the co-pilot of the Enola Gay said after dropping the bomb, "My god, what have we done". He saw what the bomb had done instantly and must have known it was a mistake.

2 points

A pro to option one is that American troops would have been pulled out of war sooner. The outcome of the bombing was what the Japanese had wanted. We gave the Japanese a treaty that said they could keep their Emporer. We could have saved thousands of lives had we just tried to make peace with them instead of bombing them.

DavidLovato1(6) Disputed
2 points

if we just agree to their terms in a treaty they will not fear us they had already attacked us once at the same time they said wouldn't due to the fact they didn't fear us we don't have to bomb them to achieve the goal of fear but we must do something to show them the consequences of attacking us again

1 point

"removing obstacles to Japan's surrender will produce speedy end to the way and save thousands of American lives"

4 points

I agree with option 2 take responsibility for a new era because it is the most politically smart choice and morally correct choice

3 points

I agree with David because demonstrating the awesome power of the atomic bomb will be the most humanitarian way to force the Japanese to accept unconditional surrender

4 points

i agree with option 2 because the us can begin the process of constructing a post war , mainly for peace and respect for human rights.

jaydn_Torres(4) Clarified
1 point

Im confused on what you mean by post war. Can you clarify that?

Avelina_A(4) Clarified
1 point

post war such as war after. such as pre game and post game

3 points

The atomic bomb should be used as a threat to end the war and strengthen the peace between the United States and Japan.

BossCesar(17) Disputed
2 points

A radioactive bomb that will damage our environment and go against our morals will only worsen things

DavidLovato1(6) Disputed
2 points

it may damage an environment but there is no civilization on that island either so it will strengthen our morals by other country's knowing that we used it responsibly

Ramishido(7) Disputed
1 point

However, if we use a bomb to demonstrate, then we would have to build another just in case no one cares and wants war. And to make the bomb, it takes a long time to build one again so during that time, someone may have the chance to attack us.

DavidLovato1(6) Disputed
2 points

We already had two bombs so if we demonstrate the bomb and japan doesn't take us serious we still have one more to drop witch could very well end the war as well

ZyanaC(1) Disputed
2 points

No war will be created, we will use the atomic bomb on a deserted island in the Pacific. As we all know, it is and was unnecessary to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Threatening them would only make us LOOK powerful and have control over them. They will surrender.

3 points

personally, I think the dropping of the two atomic bombs in Japan were unnecessary and even cowardish. Japanese knew the united States had a lot of power. therefore they wanted to come to an agreement with the United States of making peace.

3 points

The best option for the Untied States to take in order to end the War is to bomb Japan, because the United states had already suffered more then one million causalities and an invasion would result in thousands more U.S casualties.

tbergen(65) Disputed
1 point

Reports had wildly differing predictions on the number of casualties, some numbering up to a million, and some much much lower. Could we not have just starved them out?

Anya_C(8) Disputed
2 points

Starving out the Japanese would take to long and it would be more difficult to do because the Japanese were already living in poverty on a diet of roughly 1000 calories a day. They were already used to discomfort and we had no intention to sit and wait on a time frame we weren't entirely sure of.

2 points

Why continue war? we already won, so let's just end it!!!! gosh!

President_RC(9) Disputed
3 points

The war isnt over until its OVER. we suffered too many casualties to just let them off the hook that easily. its completely their fault if they started a war with a powerful counrtry and they werent ready for the consequences.

Mr_Garcia(5) Disputed
1 point

We already showed them how powerful we are, we dropped two bombs! let's be the bigger man and just end it! let them keep their emperor because they already know how power.

Stasia_Rain(2) Disputed
1 point

Continuing with the war has nothing to do with winning or loosing we have tried to agree with Japan and they attacked us unknowingly so even if we are to end the war they will attack us while our backs are turned

2 points

If we bomb Japan, it will just cause a lot of destruction and deaths to innocent people.

2 points

I agree. Over 100,000 Japanese citizens were killed who were not involved in the war.

1 point

we already killed thousands of their men and we've lost thousands of our men, if we continue we'll just lose more of our men!!!

1 point

I agree with you because the destruction and radiation of the bomb will affect the enviornment for years to come

2 points

The atomic bomb was used in defense. the defense that was not needed. the u.s had dropped the bomb on hirosima august 6th 1945 and august 9th 1945, and just tell japn they can keep thier emperor, which could have prevented the war and many deaths. from this, this would state that the autiomic bomb was unecessary and unjust.

2 points

I agree with you because the war was already in our favor so we didn't have to drop the atomic bomb.

Ramishido(7) Disputed
1 point

But if we wouldn't have used the bomb, it would have killed a lot more people because war would have most likely kept going. it would either be bomb, or invasion. war had already killed 2 million people. the bombs only killed 100000.

angelica_f(1) Disputed
1 point

japan had already surrendered to the u.s they wanted peace and to keep their emperor in the end we have killed millions of people and let japan keep thier emperor we had dropped the bomb for something that we could have ended before it started

Mr_Garcia(5) Disputed
1 point

Ramiro, so why should we continue to use the bomb? we already used it so we shouldn't use it again!

VanessaHerna(3) Disputed
1 point

The Japanese were ready to surrender. They only wanted to keep their Emperor.

2 points

Demonstrating the force of the atomic bomb will be most humanitarian way to force the Japanese to accept unconditional surrender without the slaughter of innocent civilians.

Mr_Garcia(5) Disputed
1 point

okay, we won't kill human lives ,so why should we wipe out a piece of earth?

2 points

Being in this war wasn't our choice. "This hateful war was thrust upon us" pushing ahead to final victory will show that they brought us into this war but also showing that we will finish what they stated.

2 points

Atomic weapons were developed to counter the threat of Nazi Germans, not to slaughter civilians.

DavidLovato1(6) Disputed
1 point

just because we built it for one reason it does not limit it to that reason and that reason alone

President_RC(9) Disputed
1 point

Atomic weapons were developed to counter the Threat of ANY enemy america has, not just the Nazi Germans. So if America felt that it was just to use it, they can do so on any of Americas enemy's

ElesaVigil(12) Disputed
1 point

The thing is, we did not NEED to use it. Again, according to, "The US Strategic Bombing Survey concluded that, even without the use of the atomic bombs, without the Soviet Union entering the war and without an Allied invasion of Japan, the war would have ended before December 31, 1945" Yes, Japan may have been our enemies, but that does NOT make it just to drop an atomic bomb on them! The atomic bomb is BRUTAL.

2 points

Option 2 states "Demonstrating the awesome power of the atomic bomb will be the most humanitarian way to force the Japanese to accept unconditional surrender." This shows that the United States would be trying to force the Japanese into surrendering by threatening them, for the reason that they probably wouldn't want to have the process of having peace and respect with the United States. The demonstration of the atomic bomb would show how much damage could be caused in Japan if they do not have a unconditional surrender.

2 points

The US should display their power in order to prove that japan will be defeated and have no chance of winning a war against the us. by proving power and dominice the united states will take charge for the new era.

2 points

My Argument is option 3. This hateful war was thrust upon us in a very hateful matter. when the japanese bombed pearl harbor, they had no sympathy for our innocent women and children.. they killed over 100,000 american solidiers.. where was the moral ethics then? this is a war, we need to do anything nessacary to end this brutal war as quick and with the lowest amount of casualties as possible.

BossCesar(17) Disputed
1 point

Sure, they showed little sympathy for us, but we're not going to get on the same level of our enemy. We keep our composure and stick to OUR MORALS.

1 point

It would only be a matter of time for the Japanese to rebuild their army and surprise attacked the U.S.A

michael2016(2) Disputed
5 points

over 2 million Japanese soldiers had already died before the bomb during world war II.

Their army was already demolished and it would be extremely difficult to recover from the death toll in their army. The bomb was unnecessary.

Amanda_C(9) Disputed
2 points

Even if Japan were to attack the US little damage would have been done compared to what we have done to them. Japan didn't have any nuclear weapons or weapons close to ours.

President_RC(9) Disputed
1 point

if you know that you cant possibly compete with the U.S.A then why would you thrust a hateful war upon us. rather their attack did little damage or alot if you start something with us, you better be ready to finish it!!!!!!!!!

1 point

I support you Mr. President, if Japan are our "allies" because we bombed them then this could easily be hidden deep down that they are saving up to finally bomb us or give money to separate countries so they can bomb us.

michael2016(2) Disputed
1 point

Japan was ready to surrender and had started talks with Russia trying to get help to make peace with America. Japan was ready to talk with the U.S. about surrendering.

1 point

i definitely agree,Japan unexpectedly dropped the bomb on us and if we drop the atomic bomb with out warning, most likely Japan cities will surrender and war will come to end.

BossCesar(17) Disputed
1 point

The Japanese have used up all of their weaken troops on this unfair war. There is no need to worry about an army of two.

1 point

The United States should take responsibility for a new era. The United states should demonstrate the power of the atomic bomb to the world by staging an explosion on a deserted island in the pacific. Japanese must see with their own eyes and surrender with out having a war.

1 point

Option 1 would be best since it would have easily cleared all obstacle for Japan's surrender. As a matter of act, they would have surrendered much earlier; as early as June 1945.

Anya_C(8) Clarified
2 points

How do you know they would've surrendered earlier? What would have made the surrender?

Clamasortega(7) Disputed
1 point

Japan had already been meeting up with the Soviet Union on the topic, and based on the United States Strategic Bombing, "Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bomb had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the was, and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated." Japan is completely vulnerable, and our powers had already destroyed them; they were already prepared to surrender.

1 point

My argument is option number three. This option supports the atomic bomb being used against the Japanese in 1945 to end the war against the "Japs". These people who were slaughtering Americans must be put to a stop. Therefore we had to put them to a stop at any cause nessesary.

Clamasortega(7) Disputed
1 point

At this point in the war the United States had already destroyed more than 60 of Japan's most important cities, their home islands were being blocked by the U.S. Navy, and they were being attacked by the Soviet Union in China. The Japanese were most vulnerable at the time, and did not have the ability to rebuild their army.

1 point

option 2: by presenting the atomic bomb to the new era the united states displays they have control and more power.

1 point

The u.s has already spent billions on developing the atomic bomb,now President Truman has the moral responsibility to use what ever means at his disposal to save american lives.

Clamasortega(7) Disputed
1 point

President Truman was not prepared to face the decisions of being president. He showed lack of leadership by using the bomb; after using the first atomic bomb he states: "the thought of wiping out another 100,000 people was too horrible." Meaning that, the use of the atomic bomb was both unnecessary and unjust.

1 point

option 2: by presenting the atomic bomb to the new era the united states displays they have control and more power.

1 point

A demonstration of the atomic bomb will strengthen the moral leadership of the United States in the postwar world and set an international standard for the use of atomic bomb

1 point

The bomb killed mostly innocent civilians who had nothing to do with the war.

1 point

My option choice is number 2 because I believe before violence is needed, we should demonstrate the power of the atomic bomb to warn the enemy that what they're doing is not right and they will be punished if they don't correct themselves.

1 point

The use of the atomic bomb against the enemy is the only way to deliver our message to the japan leaders.

DavidLovato1(6) Disputed
1 point

why cant using the bomb responsibly also send a message to Japanese leaders

1 point

by demonstrating the bomb this could save both american and Japanese soldiers because the demonstration would put Japan in a position to surrender and if they don't Then Japan would look evil because of there lack of moral for attacking Pearl Harbor and continuing the war were thousands of soldiers died

1 point

Gaining nothing less than the unconditional surrender of Japan while avoiding the slaughter of innocent civilians is the best tribute to the great sacrifice that the American people have made to defeat fascism and militarism.

1 point

Option 3: Push Ahead to final victory

With pushing ahead we can solve the problems between all, "President Truman has a moral responsibility to do what ever is necessary to save and protect American lives. Final Victory, either being japan surrenders or United States demonstrates full action and demolishes Japan ending the war then and there.

1 point

Our closest allies, British, Have approved for the u.s to use the atomic bombs against japan. If the bomb was drooped then Japan cities are most likely to realize the war is over and if they drop another bomb on us then we will most likely deal with whole situation again!

1 point

Dropping the Atomic bomb not only would kill thousands of people on impact but it would also kill lots of people over time. The radiation from the bomb dropping will affect the enviornment for years to come.

1 point

it was simply an extension of the already fierce conventional air raids on Japan[3] and, therefore, militarily unnecessary,[4] inherently immoral, a war crime, or a form of state terrorism.[5] At least one historian (Tsuyoshi Hasegawa) states that the Soviet declaration of war on Japan had more of an effect than the two nuclear bombings.

1 point

The bomb ended the war and Japan hasn't made any kind of move since.. the bomb got them to not only surrender but leave the Japan leaders to realize if they keep the war going more of their people will be killed.

0 points

The United states has paid too high of a price to accept anything less than Japans unconditional surrender. With the demonstration of the bomb their surrender can be ensured

-6 points
DavidLovato1(6) Clarified
4 points

how would this help us economically we had to spend money to make and use the bomb

M_Guzman69(1) Disputed
1 point

if we spend the money ONCE is to make the Bomb , we will spend even more money if we "warn" them, and continue with what were doing

Ramishido(7) Disputed
0 points

because we had already spent "more than 2 billion" on our military.

ElesaVigil(12) Disputed
2 points

Option 3 is immorally wrong. The atomic bomb is BRUTAL. It instantly killed 80,000 people. 80,000. Again, The US Strategic Bombing Survey concluded that, even without the use of the atomic bombs, without the Soviet Union entering the war and without an Allied invasion of Japan, the war would have ended before December 31, 1945. The atomic bomb was not needed! They were already going to surrender regardless, so why go and drop an atomic bomb and destroy 90% of their city which we would have to go in and help rebuild.

HectorIsDady(1) Clarified
3 points

Adding on to elesa, The atomic bombs were unnecessary because regular bombs could do the same damage without the long term affect. but this amount of damage was really unnecessary because Acording to the article Pearl Harbor Facts, "A total of 2,335 U.S. servicemen were killed and 1,143 were wounded. Sixty-eight civilians were also killed and 35 were wounded"

We killed 80,000 Of their people according to you. This means the ratio is uneven. We killed 80 times more then Japanese. meaning it is unjust.

M_Guzman69(1) Disputed
1 point

Lets say we bombed them....If we are the once who will bomb them, then we would we go back and help rebuild??

Anya_C(8) Disputed
1 point

The atomic bomb forced Japan to surrender August 10th 1945, that is that over 4 months before the predicted date of December 31, 1945. Most everyone's forces were exhausted by that point and a quick end to the war would ensure the safety of U.S soldiers.

Ramishido(7) Disputed
1 point

Just because they say that they were going to surrender, you cant assume they would. Why trust our enemies? this is why we put them in internment camps, because they are sneaky and ruthless. they go by the Bushido code so they would have kept fighting. its really smart for a political leader to say that they would surrender to make us look bad.

1 point

Not only bring troops back, but end that war aswell, So i support option 3

marianieto(8) Disputed
1 point

I agree with you because it will save troops and end the war but in the other hand by demonstrating the power of the atomic bomb in a deserted island in the Pacific it will save troops and even end the war by the Japanese surrounding.