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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Very bad meh
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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 meh (9)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

How bad is it to yell, "Tsunami!" on a crowded beach?

Just something I want to try out next summer ;-)

Very bad

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2 points

If people panic on a crowded beach from yelling 'Tsunami', then they're idiots.

If a tsunami is coming, the tide recedes for miles. Any beach-goer who doesn't know this doesn't deserve to be at an oceanic beach.

Side: meh

Probably not a big deal but I figured I better get some one else's opinion first ;-)

Side: meh
1 point

well most people will think about it as a joke=)

but if you say something like this in japan people definitely will be frightened;)

Side: meh

I hope they can take a joke ;)

Side: meh
1 point

Its not that bad I mean if a Tsunami actually was coming I would yell Tsunami becaus it was coming towards the beach.

Side: meh
1 point

I think it would get a more interesting reaction if you yell "Avalanche!"

Side: meh

Only if you say it loud enough to create an actual avalanche ;)

Side: meh

No one will take it seriously, I don't think.

Side: meh
1 point

It depends on how you yell it. Right now I'm envisioning a beach so crowded you can barely move, and an hysterical woman pointing to the beach and screaming at the top of her lungs: "Tsuuuuuuuuuunnnnnammmmmmmiiiiiiiiii!!!!" It's really an hilarious thought!

Side: meh