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 How can we eradicate the genes that cause low IQs and stop them from replicating? (6)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

How can we eradicate the genes that cause low IQs and stop them from replicating?

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4 points

I think I read someone's debate that said we should just take all the warning labels off of things, and let the rest sort it's self out.

You have to stop them at the source ;)

1 point

Get rid of television.

I would love to get rid of television. That alone will save me money on my cable bill. ;)

Genes that create low IQs caused by mutations during development. But it depends on what you mean by 'low'. Beneath average or around average?

Make it a law that the rich cannot reproduce. Do you really want more Kardashians, Paris Hiltons, Lindsay Lohans, Mitch McConnels, George W. Bush, etc.?