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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

Very cool! Meh...
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:17
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 Very cool! (1)
 Meh... (13)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

I'd consider it ;)

Side: Very cool!
joecavalry(40163) Clarified
2 points

Alexa, post the following to Create Debate... ;)

Side: Very cool!
joecavalry(40163) Clarified
2 points

Alexa, Check my Create Debate account.

"You got 5 down votes and 3 disputes!" ;)

Side: Very cool!

It's not like I can Alexa to show me the latest selfies of women objectifying themselves ;)

Side: Meh...
2 points

It's like an immovable unchargeable Siri you can tell to spend your money for you. Sounds great.

Side: Meh...
1 point

Meh.... Now this Echo is more like it. ;)

Side: Meh...

Uhm, it's the same thing. ;)

Side: Meh...
1 point

Uhhhh.... obviously you didn't watch it. ;)

Side: Meh...
1 point

You realise if you say "ok google" to an android phone you can make it do all that too?

Side: Meh...
1 point

While I think it is cool, I am not sure it is worth it. Too many other things do if it ties to your tv and projects to an amazon TV so you can shop by voice and sight, now we are talking! Maybe it does that!

Side: Meh...