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 How do you know you are not dreaming right now? (19)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

How do you know you are not dreaming right now?

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If I was dreaming, then I wouldn't be feeling anything, unless I was in a semi conscious state, which then I would suffer sleep paralysis, which means I could still feel my physicality, but would be unable to move and while still experiencing a dream.

1 point

Dealing with you people is a nightmare, so I can't be dreaming. ;)

Intangible(4934) Disputed
1 point

Dealing with you people is a nightmare, so I can't be dreaming. ;)

A nightmare is a dream, you silly kumquat.

1 point

Thanks for failing to see the joke. The winking smiley was for people like you who need to be told it is a joke.

1 point

Frankly I don't. But, I will be really pissed if I am because I have had a kick ass day getting work done. If I really didn't get this all done I will have worked way too hard during the dream.

As an on-demand lucid dreamer, I know that I'm not dreaming right now. There are 'triggers' in my dreams that cause me to become aware that I am dreaming, and once I am aware that I am dreaming, I am lucid.

The fact that I am unable to do anything that I can do while dreaming lucidly, while actually trying to work under the assumption that I am dreaming, is proof enough to me.

I know that this is anecdotal though, and many would not understand what I'm talking about without having had lucid dreams themselves.