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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

It's really great! It's not so good.
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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 It's really great! (3)
 It's not so good. (5)

Debate Creator

jolie(9810) pic

How great is waterboarding in Guantanamo Bay?

It's really great!

Side Score: 3

It's not so good.

Side Score: 8
1 point

I'd love to do this someday.

Side: It's really great!
1 point

I can't believe that's illegal. Probably too much fun people to handle.

Side: It's really great!
1 point

The tuition fees are a bit hefty, but it's a real breathtaking experience. However, the strictly enforced enrollment criteria can be difficult to pass. You have to be a filthy, low life, mass murdering terrorist.

Side: It's really great!
2 points

Smacking water with a board doesn't sound fun.

Side: It's not so good.

That picture does not depict waterboarding.. You know that right??

Side: It's not so good.
1 point

Wait...., what?!?!?!?!!!!!

Side: It's not so good.
2 points

Uhhhh..... that's definitely not Guantanamo Bay.... just sayin'.

Side: It's not so good.

Waterboarding is like surfing except with a boat pulling you by a rope... Prove me wrong

Side: It's not so good.