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 How in hell does anyone get "Dick" from "Richard" (11)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

How in hell does anyone get "Dick" from "Richard"

Why is Bob short for Robert?

How does one get "Billy" from William?


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The only conclusion I can come up with is..., you just have to ask him nicely. Unless he's a slut, in which case he'll just give it up ;)

1 point

Of course there is also Rick or Rich for Richard, Rob or Robbie for Robert, and Will or Willie for William. But some people don't prefer those nicknames. Some people like being called "Dick" apparently lol.

1 point

Well, I know someone named Richard who can be a dick from time to time... so maybe that's how it happens?

The first Richard called Dick was probably a dick or he liked dick, aka the first gay man.

maybe it is a reference to a bad king, like how toliets were also called "johns" after king john's death.

1 point

Maybe they had a different way of pronouncing...?

Like Guilliam, instead of william.

1 point

Idk why anyone would want to be called dick.

1 point





Plain and simple.

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Why go from Rick to Dick?

Why not go from Rick to Prick? ;)

It goes like this Richard is shortened to Rich, Rich to Rick, Rick to Dick.

Why go from Rick to Dick?

Why not go from Rick to Prick? ;)