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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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 How many people have I managed to piss off today? (8)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

How many people have I managed to piss off today?

Just click the "add argument" button and paste the following as your argument:

"Joe is an ass!"

It is exactly 14 characters long and I'll count them all later (;

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2 points

At least me.

I was hoping for an email from a very special person but when I checked I had like 4 or 5 emails saying "JoeCavalry has invited you to a debate." So I either got pissed off or really bummed out because I thought that one of those emails was from that special person.


Side: at least 1
2 points

It pissed me off when I saw that, in the invitation to another JoeCavalry debate, the word 'cookies' was misspelled as "coockies."

COOKIES!!! It's COOKIES!!! How hard is that?

I guess it's just a pet peeve of mine. :)

Side: createdebate has a spell check function

Hey...., check it out..... I fixed it..... feeling better now (;

Side: createdebate has a spell check function
1 point

What do you mean? I thought I was special );

Side: createdebate has a spell check function

Joe is an ass!

Side: createdebate has a spell check function
1 point

joe is not an ass.

Side: joe is not an ass

Joe is the one who said it.

Side: joe is not an ass

Every person who has read one of my debates today, most likely.

Side: joe is not an ass