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I'm racist. Kill'em all, let God sort them
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 I'm racist. (4)
 Kill'em all, let God sort them (3)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

How to tell if you're racist.

If you kill the following spiders:



But not these spiders:


You're probably racist.

I'm racist.

Side Score: 5

Kill'em all, let God sort them

Side Score: 3
2 points

I think the black one is plastic... just sayin'.

Side: I'm racist.
Intangible(4934) Disputed
1 point

Excellent observation.

Side: Kill'em all, let God sort them
1 point

What about those who don't kill any, because spiders are the cutest thing in the world? It would be speciesism, anyway.

Side: I'm racist.
1 point

I have to admit to being a speciesist... I would never kill a praying mantis or caterpillar.... but if there's a thousand legger in my house, that bitch is going down!

Side: I'm racist.

I'd kill them all I hate spiders, yes I am kind of a "speciessist" technically I can't help it, they are horrid things lol

Side: I'm racist.

If you kill them all, you cannot be blamed for racism. Let God sort them out. That's His job. ;)

Side: Kill'em all, let God sort them

You know there's always one watching you somewhere...they are some of the greatest ninjas. I envy them. All the more reason to wipe them out, so that I can be the greater ninja!

Side: Kill'em all, let God sort them