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Yay, Ron! Ron who?
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Yay, Ron! (4)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and support Ron Paul over Obama

Yay, Ron!

Side Score: 5

Ron who?

Side Score: 0

I just like grandfatherly looking presidents named Ron ;)

Side: Yay, Ron!
1 point

Yes, and where Reagan got Authoritarian, Paul will do much better. After all, he wants to even cut military spending 8D

And legalize all drugs 8D

And end any overseas coercion 8D

Side: Yay, Ron!

Ron Paul is truly an inspiration. GO PAUL!!!-------------------

Side: Yay, Ron!
1 point

While I think it's delusional to insist that we were attacked because they "hate freedom", or because of who we are, but I think the video is pining the tail on the wrong donkey.

The fact is, 15 of the 19 Hijackers, were from Saudi Arabia. Why is that? Saudis were upset with the a foreign military presence (infidels) in a holy land (Arabia). Bin Laden interpreted the Prophet Muhammad as having banned the "permanent presence of infidels in Arabia". Following the Iraq invasion of Kuwait, there has been a strong U.S. Military presence in Saudi Arabia. This is one of the three reasons Osama cited as his motivation for the September 11 attacks.

The other two reasons being American Support for Israel and U.S. sanctions against Iraq. 2 of the 3 reasons are explicitly religious in nature, but all 3 reasons are the result of U.S. foreign policy. Interestingly enough, the Iran Coup was not cited by Al Qaeda as a reason for the attacks. None of the Hijackers were Iranian.

Also a point for correction, the mujaheddin and the Taliban are not the same group. The Taliban was a radical splinter group, with the majority of the former Mujaheddin becoming part of the Northern Alliance, which has been the principal opposition to the Taliban and to Al Qaeda. The Northern Alliance has been largely incorporated into the New Afghan National Army.

So yes, there are a lot of things the U.S. could have done differently, but a large part of the problem is that Al Qaeda is just fucking crazy. I agree with Ron Paul's foreign Policy. To assert that Isolationism caused WW2 is absolutely asinine. The notion that not getting involved in other nation's wars, somehow causes more war is completely ludicrous.

Side: Yay, Ron!
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