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 I need advice. Please help. (27)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

I need advice. Please help.

So I'm thinking about buying a DLL XPS All In One computer with an Intel i7 3770s Processor (3.9 GHz), NVIDIA GeForce GT 640M 2GB GDDR5, 8GB Dual Channel DDR3 1600MHz - 2 DIMMs, 27" QHD (2560x1440) Touch Panel,  for $2100.

Is this a good thing?

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3 points

Joe, Build your own! It is not any cheaper, but you won't have to worry about proprietary parts. All of my machines are home made.


But I have to say it is cheaper to build your own, you'll get better specs for the same price you'd pay for a name brand build, although minus any warranty.

I'm asking because you guys have an opinion on EVERYTHING ;)

Sounds good. Just make sure your 2 GB will support everything. Your CPU usage has to remain low so I think your on the right track.

1 point

I don't know shit about technology. Sorry cutie. ;)

NEVER EVER BUY A DELL! I had one and within 2 years I had to replace the power supply, the hard drive, one of the fans, the DVD burner, video card, and the mouse. Nearly every piece of hardware in it failed. My brother does computer repair for a living and he said most of the ones he has to fix are Dells. That price also sounds too high. You can get a much better computer for less.

1 point

You really want to buy an "all in one pc"? ...

I mean if aesthetics are not which matter to you the most then go with the good old "DESKTOPS" can always buy a sleek cabinet, a lcd monitor if space is an issue..

Moreover as far as i know upgrading is not the thing which an "all in one " likes...Also i guess heating up is an issue with it.

1 point

First word: Windows...

Second word: Shit...


Oh...., you have a Mac? ..... Sorry about your penis.... ;)

Del1176(4975) Clarified
1 point

The heck?

1 point

I know someone with that computer. It turned out to be pretty good, but if you have the time, you should consider building your own.