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 I need help from an engineer to help me solve this problem (3)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

I need help from an engineer to help me solve this problem

So at work we have a huge, regular, bathroom.  You can fit 4 or 5 wheel chairs in there without any problem.  There's only one sink and one toilet.  So as you can imagine, it's big.

The problem is that facing the toilet is a wall and it's far away.  In a normal stall, facing the toilet is the door and it's close enough to touch. 

So why is this a problem? 

Well..., because when I'm constipated I put my feet against the door and bear down, like a woman giving birth with her feet on the stirrups.  I can't do that with the wall so far away.  I have contemplated standing on the toilet seat, squatting, and then bear down like a third world country woman giving birth.  But when you bear down you create a lot of force and the turd comes shooting out of you at near terminal velocity speeds.  That, and the added distance between your ass and the water, means that there will be a mini tsunami and the water will splash over the sides and I ain't cleaning up that shit.  Normally when I sit my ass forms a tight gasket against the seat and no water escapes.  Instead the water splashes all over my ass and though that is not fun, the cleaning up is not as bad.

So I need someone to get their head out their ass and start thinking outside the box for a solution to this dilemma.

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This sounded a lot funnier at 3:00 AM when I first woke up ;)

take some laxatives

Eat raisins and fruits and drink more water.-------------------