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Debate Score:5
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 If God's punishment is eternal fire, why hold ourselves to a higher standard (5)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

If God's punishment is eternal fire, why hold ourselves to a higher standard

We should fry the criminals so that they get a taste of what's to come.

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Although it may increase their carbon footprint, it will also release a lot of heat that can be used as energy. Not clean energy, but cheap energy ;)

Should we fry them a little at first, take a piece off and let them taste the charred flavor of justice?

Side: Delicious justice

Oh, I like that. I think you've been reading way too many of my posts ;)

Side: Delicious justice
1 point

Hellfire is a metaphor and a metaphor always point to a greater reality. If what is said about hell is true I could not possible wish anyone to go there. it is my hope that all men would receive mercy, but in this life sometimes justice must be satisfied especially when it comes to homicide. If a man is found quilty in a court of law I say fry him.

Side: Delicious justice