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Maybe Nah
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 Maybe (3)
 Nah (9)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

If the stock market crahes, will there be another World War


It's happened before.

I already started a list of countries that piss me off ;)


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 9

What if Iran gets the bomb?

If there is another WW, We will have to make do with a lot less. I am already training by cutting back on my time here on CD... nah ;)

Side: Maybe

The stock market is a sham, so maybe no.

But then again, people like to think that shams are not in fact shams so that they don't feel stupid, so maybe yes.

Side: Maybe
Abbott(158) Disputed
1 point

wtfudge is a sham is it like an old ppls word (no offense if u ar indeed old) for scam or rip off or mabey U JUST GOT FUDGED (im using fudge as a substitute for the f word if u havnt noticed)

Side: Nah
chatturgha(1619) Disputed
1 point

If you're going to be an obnoxious teenager and curse, do it properly. The stock market is a FUCKING sham. It's not an oldfuck's word, no, but it is an adult's word, which you apparently don't know the difference between.

No, I did not get fucked. I don't use the stock market, because only idiots and assholes use the stock market. It's a sham and only exists because people have no idea what the fuck money really is.

Side: Maybe

There was stock market crash in 1987, and was there a world war?

Side: Nah

Maybe if economies weren't so tied together.

For example, If America makes war on china, or vice versa, the economic results of eliminating most of your countries demand or supply chain would be disastrous. Most countries that would participate in a world war have such economic relationships with many countries, another example: the EU countries are unlikely to war with each other for the same reason mentioned above.

War can bring a short term boost to an economy under certain world wide conditions, but those conditions have passed into history.

Side: Nah

And here I was..., looking for an excuse to loot. Maybe a nice, little revolution ;-)

Side: Nah
1 point

I would diffinitely be out there on wall street being like GOD BLESS AMERICA AND DEVIL BLESS CHINA jk i love asians but no world war would star we cant blame sombody else cuz we dont kno when to stop trusting the chinese (once again jk)

Side: Nah
1 point

Stock market's not so much a world berometer of overall economic health anymoe. More a casino where the extremely wealthy gamble away midle class retireme funds. Let it crash, people just need jobs. That's all.

Side: Nah
1 point

Exactly as Casper described it; the world has a far too globalized economy to go at war with each other for financial gain. The trade between countries is far too valuable.

Side: Nah

Maybe not for financial gain but rather..., because they're pissed off at each other. Maybe they should come to CD and air their differences ;)

Side: Nah

Precisely, this is why globalization is good. Markets and trading prevents war.

Side: Nah