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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Make crop circles and leave Ask for a glass of water
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 Make crop circles and leave (4)
 Ask for a glass of water (3)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40163) pic

If we ever travel to a planet inhabited by intelligent life we should...


Your choice.

I'm sure either one will mess with their heads


Make crop circles and leave

Side Score: 6

Ask for a glass of water

Side Score: 3

They may be expecting us to ask for water after traveling all those light years ;)

Side: Make crop circles and leave
2 points

I was thinking more along the lines of crop genitalia, but circles will work just as well.

Side: Make crop circles and leave

It would be hilarious. We also have to abduct random livestock and aliens along the way, you know, for banter.

Side: Make crop circles and leave
1 point

Lets freak them out like they freak us out.

Alien1: "The F' is this?"

Alien 2: "It's those humans again! Run for the hills!"

Side: Make crop circles and leave
1 point

Why not? :P ................................................

Side: Ask for a glass of water

I'm thirsty. Maybe they won't have soda, but they should understand what water is...

Side: Ask for a glass of water
1 point

We should ask for a glass of water and then begin to abduct them, fly away a bit, and decide whether to annihalate them to sustain the lives of humans (so we don't have to share resources) or make peace with them and use them to our advantage.

Side: Ask for a glass of water