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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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I see. That's too much eye makeup.
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 I see. (2)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

If you're a guy and you don't know why women wear eye make up, it's because it matters.


Eye makeup matters.

I see.

Side Score: 3

That's too much eye makeup.

Side Score: 0
1 point

i'm not a guy but.. i think i should also start using eye makeup ;)

Side: I see.

Actually, don't!!! Once you start, you can't stop. The panda without makeup seems weird to us because we have never seen one without makeup. If we had grown up seeing pandas without makeup, we would be OK with it. Once I woke up to a woman I had never seen without makeup and nearly scared the crap out of me. I literally screamed. We had been out all night drinking and crashed at a friend's house. When I woke up I didn't remember much of what had happened that night nor where I was. When I opened my eyes and saw that unrecognizable face, I panicked. Over time she acclimated me to her no-makeup face and I was OK with it but it took a while ;)

Side: I see.
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