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FOX White House
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:13
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 FOX (4)

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In White House Vs. Fox News War Of Words, Who Gets Your Vote?


Side Score: 13

White House

Side Score: 0

When the government is able to get away with blocking one news source, it has effectively successfuly violated the right to free speech. This can only lead to trouble down the road as the government violates more and more of our rights.

Side: Fox
2 points

Definitely FOX. The people in the White House should not be whining as much as they are about the criticism that they are getting from one news station.

Side: Fox
2 points

I'm leaning towards the fox side on this one, although I'm reluctant simply because I never watch Fox news, so for all I know there is good reason for the gov't to classify them as a "hate group"...However, I think it's wrong for a government to limit criticism of itself. Manipulating what news goes out is not good--all sides should be represented equally so that the people will not be lied to. I would prefer, of course, to have one or two completely unbiased news sources, but if we cannot have that, we should at least have both biases represented.

Side: Fox
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