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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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I've always thought that Wait...., What? No!
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 I've always thought that (1)
 Wait...., What? No! (2)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Instead of deriving law from morality, we now derive morality from law.

In a healthy society, laws enforce morality; they do not dictate it. In America today, the opposite is true.

If the courts say we must listen to tedious obscenity – why, then we must. If the courts say that we must offer condoms to children in school, eschew prayer, tolerate any and all vileness, permit our daughters to get abortions without so much as notifying their parents, we obediently do so. Is there anything the courts cannot make us do?

I doubt it.

Recently a boy in Washington was expelled from high school. Yes. It seems the school issued him a condom, and caught him praying for a chance to use it.

(OK. It probably didn’t happen. But it’s true anyway.  :)

I've always thought that

Side Score: 2

Wait...., What? No!

Side Score: 2
1 point

Law and morality are two separate things.

And no one is making anyone listen to anything.

And anyone can pray for anything they want, or not.

Fred sure is dumb.

Side: Wait...., What? No!

But it's a search for morality that dictates the law, which is in turn dictating how moral we are. So I'm not sure which side I'm on.

Good debates lately, Joe. :)

Side: Wait...., What? No!