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Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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jimmychung(9) pic

Is Obesity a disease?

Is Obesity a disease? I think these people should stop whining and get of there fat lazy asses and do something instead of sitting eating, Cancer is a disease, HIV is a disease.. These cannot be cured. All Obesity takes if for someone to stop feeling sorry for themselves get off their FAT ass and go to that unknown place they call outside!


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 3

yes and so is being a moron (hey eccentric, did it anger you to see my sarcastic remark over here? haha)

Side: Yes

It is both physically and mentally unhealthy for you to be obese, so yes obesity is a disease.

Side: Yes

I think so. Obesity would be a disease such as alcoholism.

Side: Yes

You've pretty much just said why in the description. I don't have anything else to add other than it would be ridiculous to say it is a disease, it is a state of being that some one is in because of eating too much and exercising too little.

Side: No
Hitler(2364) Disputed
1 point

Rugby players often register as obese. They do not exercise too little nor eat too much.

If they did less of either, they'd fail to be tough enough for the game.

Side: Yes

Isn't it only because of there stocky builds and high muscle mass that they are classed as such because it makes them so heavy, not because of excessive body fat?

Side: Yes
jimmychung(9) Disputed
1 point

Rugby players are strong not fat.. if you go off BMIs etc then a short very muscular player may some how manage to fall into the obese category but these men are not unhealthy, their training and nutritional diets are for being physically capable to play their game.. Their mass comes from muscle not fat.

Side: No