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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Cool What
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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 Cool (8)
 What (2)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

Is Photoshop cool or what


Here's what I started with:

Here's what I did with Photoshop:


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 2

Not bad..., even if I say so myself ;)

Side: cool

Is that your fantasy girlfriend from fantasy island or a photo of your wife? LOL

Side: cool

No..., my wife has smaller ears and eye brows ;-)

Side: cool
1 point

Yes it is cool because you can make a ton of designs and stuff. Its a lot of fun but hard when you first learn it.

Side: cool
1 point

i think, it's very cool. Because, it help you to create unusual background.

Also, it helps to make better the quality of photos.

Moreover, the best advantage is that it helps to conceal or remove some of appearance defects

Side: cool
1 point

Wow, a regular Burt Monroy (if I got his name right)!

This is awesome.


Side: cool

You mean Bert, that digital art, vector graphics, hack ;)

Anyway, thanks. Let me know if you need some work done ;)

Side: cool
1 point

i think, it's very cool. Because, it help you to create unusual background.

Also, it helps to make better the quality of photos.

Moreover, the best advantage is that it helps to conceal or remove some of appearance defects

Side: cool

A What option! :) Photoshop is for non-hipsters. Fireworks is way in.

Side: what

Freaking kids and their Fireworks ;)

Side: what