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 Is it fair for a fetus to enslave a man for 18 years but not a woman for 9 months? (8)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Is it fair for a fetus to enslave a man for 18 years but not a woman for 9 months?

Why women have abortions
1% of all abortions occur because of rape or incest; 6% of abortions occur because of potential health problems regarding either the mother or child, and 93% of all abortions occur for social reasons (i.e. the child is unwanted or inconvenient).

A woman's body cannot be enslaved for 9 months (the amount of time required to carry a fetus to term) by a fetus.  She can decide to have an abortion because she doesn't want the child or the child is an inconvenience.  She has 100% control over the fetus.

A man can be enslaved by a fetus for 9 months (he is held financially responsible for providing for the fetus).  He **cannot**decide to have an abortion because he **does not** want the child or the child is an inconvenience.  After the fetus is born, the man is enslaved to work for the child for an additional 18 years.  The man has zero percent control over his half of the fetus.

Now, does this sound fair to you?

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This is a popularity contest because I think that there's more to this than a simple yes and no.

2 points

"93% of all abortions occur for social reasons (i.e. the child is unwanted or inconvenient)"

Sounds like a completely unbiased source. Why would someone pick out two very specific reasons that total 7% and then lump everything else together and label it greed?

If you want to argue about the nature of that 93% make a debate about that. Don't post it in an unrelated debate.

I'm by no means an abortion activist. I'm by no means an activist. I'm not even active. But I cannot stand ridiculous arguments like this. That "statistic" has nothing to do with the men being enslaved by child support.

Before you hit submit please stop to think "Is this a valid point/question/debate or am I being a douche?"

I have no idea what you're ranting about.

All I am saying is that if a man wants an abortion because he does not want the child or because said child is an inconvenience, he does not have that option. The mother has that option (regardless of the percentage), but the father does not. If a woman doesn't want to provide 9 months of nutrients to a fetus (for whatever reason), she doesn't have to. If a man doesn't want to provide child support for 18 years, however, he doesn't have that option.

Slavery is forced labor.

If a man is forced into providing child support, he is effectively being forced into a form of slavery (by definition). I never said anything about greed or pity. Maybe you should gather your thoughts before going off half cocked. ;)

curtix(41) Disputed
1 point

I have no idea what you're ranting about

I am ranting because not only are you using a statistic that has no relevance to your debate and if it earns you any support that support is not justified by the lack of relevance; it is also annoying because your arguments are so all over the place that it is impossible to properly dispute or support every statement you make. Not only would I have to argue about your point of view in this debate, I would also have to dispute the nature of the statistic, the relevance of the statistic, and any other fallacy you through in while disputing disputes. When the statistic has nothing to do the argument and could just be left off to save everyone time.

regardless of the percentage

Then don't include it.

1 point

no it is not fair.

but the woman has alot of work carrying and looking after the fetus. she is the carrier of the fetus and delivers the fetus.

i think that if the man does not want the fetus, it should be discussed between the two partners.

but i dont really understand how a man feels as though he is enslaved by the fetus.

the couple of the fetus should discuss on what they want. if there is not an agreement between them, what would happen then?

Side: No

If a man does not want the fetus and the woman does, she can decide to have the baby and then force the man to pay her child support for a baby he didn't want anyway. The man is forced to work in order to pay child support. That's a form of slavery. He has to pay for 18 years, after that the child is considered an adult.

Side: No