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 Is it wrong to hate a particular race? (6)

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Is it wrong to hate a particular race?

I'm OK with a 5K race


a 10K race sucks!

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It's hard to say, really. A lot can go into how a person feels about any given race. I think so much is involved in it that it is not really fair to label such feeling as wrong- only the expression of such feelings in a way that is harmful to others. I mean, it's not as if we control our feelings.

I, myself, suffer from this to an extent. I won't go so far as to say that I hate any given race, mind you, but there are a few that I really just don't care for. I've never had a positive experience with these races, and all available evidence seems to suggest that any encounters with said races in the future will simply be more of the same- I make no apologies for this viewpoint. In particular, the Daytona 500 comes to mind- SNORE. Who wants to sit through that much race?!?

1 point

I guess the Indy 500 is too long as well.

thousandin1(1931) Clarified
1 point

And HOW!

I think it is, yes - but then again I also think it is wrong to love a particular race.

When someone says '' I love black people '', isn't that just as racist as saying they hate them?

I feel like before anyone decides if they are going to hate, dislike, like or love a person, they must get to know the individual. I don't think your appearance reveals anything about your personality, hobbies, religious or political views.

I think it is okay to hate people who have a certain religions or political views, because that says something about them, and not just their appearance. It makes no sense to hate gingers, short people, brittains or fat people, because these categories fit a lot of different people.

3 points

You look like someone who didn't read the debate description.

Hhahah ... lol!

Jokes on me, i guess :)

0 points

Not at all, it's only wrong if you let that race living knowing it deserves to be wiped out!