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Yes!!! Nah.
Debate Score:26
Total Votes:26
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 Yes!!! (5)
 Nah. (15)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Is masturbation wrong?


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 21

Your going to go blind from all of that unprotected sex ;)

Side: Yes!!!
1 point

Dad: Son, if you masturbate you will go blind.

Son: Dad, I am over here!


Side: Yes!!!
IHavePimples(13) Disputed
1 point

No you will not go blind form doing this. How is this an argment?

Side: Nah.

Yes cuz if you do it then it meens you can't get a gurlfriend or a boyfriend.

Side: Yes!!!
Hitler(2364) Disputed
1 point

No it doesn't.

Side: Nah.
Intangible(4934) Disputed
1 point

That's what most people say though. It's obviously the truth.

Side: Yes!!!

Basically you're just fucking yourself ;)

Side: Nah.

lol .

Side: Nah.
1 point

Why yes I am. BOB is such a good vibrator. ;) .

Side: Yes!!!

It is just a normal way of relieving sexual urges the most people male or female will have tried at some point and really is no one else's business.

Side: Nah.
1 point

What you do is Your problem and no one else's (unless you are harming other people) so it is okay by me.

Side: Nah.

If someone else has to clean your mess, is that considered harm? ;)

Side: Nah.
1 point


Side: Nah.
1 point

We all do it once in a while. There is nothing wrong with it.

Side: Nah.
1 point

Just a way to relieve your sexual urge, I see nothing wrong in it.

Side: Nah.
1 point

No, masturbation is not wrong. It is a completely natural thing to do and most people, men and women, do it. It has its health benefits and is a great way to relieve yourself.

Side: Nah.