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For Against
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 For (1)
 Against (4)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Is this a story for or against gun control?

A Texas Department of Safety Officer pulled over a pick-up truck owner for a faulty taillight.

When the officer approached the driver, the man behind the wheel handed the officer his driver's license, insurance card and a concealed weapon carry permit.  The officer took all the documents, looked them over and said.

"Mr. Smith, I see you have a CWCP. Do you have any weapons with you?"  The driver replied,

" Yes sir, I have a 357 handgun in a hip holster, a .45 in the glove box and a .22 derringer in my boot." The officer looked at the driver and asked,

"Anything else?"  

"Yes sir, I have a Mossberg 500 12 gauge and an AR-15 behind the seat." The officer asked if the man was driving to or from a shooting range and the man said he wasn't, so the officer bent over and looked into the driver's face and said

"Mr. Smith, you're carrying quite a few weapons. May I ask what you are afraid of?  Mr. Smith locked eyes with the officer and calmly answered,

"Not a damn thing!"


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 4
1 point

I'd like to be armed, I'd feel safer though not everyone can be trusted with such things. It's tough... it cab be misused.

Side: For

The story is against gun control because if we had gun control, then we wouldn't have such funny stories to tell ;)

Side: Against
1 point

It just goes to show what a crazy country the U.S actually is.

Side: Against
1 point

Lulz, such a basic principle. Guns make us feel safer because they make us safer. I'd feel a lot safer from people attacking me if I was well armed.

Side: Against

the 2nd amendment states, "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." Which means gun control is unconstitutional.

Side: Against