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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Legitamite Not legitamite
Debate Score:22
Total Votes:27
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 Legitamite (7)
 Not legitamite (7)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Is this anyway for someone (who works for the people) to act?


Side Score: 11

Not legitamite

Side Score: 11
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His words certainly do not appeal to the heart...he's just rude! "It's My Party & I'll Cry If I Want To." It is not the way to act in a Town Hall meeting or any other type of gathering where the people meet with their representatives. All questions should be fielded whether they're opposed to your views or not.

Side: Not legitamite
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

... the question was why she couldn't film the townhall kuk,

it had nothing to do with policy.

How do you know he wasn't perfectly willing to field any question of hers concerning policy? I mean, that part of the conversation wasn't on YouTube.

Don't fall for that kind of bs kuk. Whether one can or cannot film a townhall is not an issue at all, and obviously her voice was not being repressed... I mean, she was there, she had an opportunity to ask any question she wanted, and she decided to try to corner him on a gotcha question that had 0 to do with what should have been discussed.

There's a difference between fielding intellectually honest questions from all sides of an issue,

and simply placating to those who obviously have no desire to debate, but only want to make the people they disagree with look bad at any cost.

Side: Legitamite
2 points

Certainly not. He claimed authority over everyone else by saying, "This is my meeting, I'll set the rules", when in fact, he ought to have none, being elected by the majority. It will be very interesting to see what the next election cycle is like after all these townhalls with their varying rates of success.

Side: Not legitamite

The more I see Democrats repressing the opposition, the more I dislike them. It's as if they prefer to appeal to the voter's hearts, not their logic and reason. ;)

Side: Not legitamite
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

That's ridiculous. What opposition are you speaking of that is being repressed? I mean, even the birthers are being given a voice.

The problem isn't that the opposition's voice is being repressed, the problem is the oppostion is a minority and they got used to 8 years of unquestioning reign under Bush.

I mean, where was this outrage at Bush's insistance that his townhalls were invitation only?

That was fine, but now you need to find 1. democratic representative who doesn't want his townhall filmed, and act like he's Mousalini?

Obviously that lady got into the place. She even had a chance to ask a question, so how exactly is she being repressed?

Side: Legitamite

The way that I see it, Obama is having a hard time getting his health care passed because the people don't want it. But he's trying to force it down the people's throat, whether they want it or not. What this guy is doing is more of the raming down people's throats. He works for the people. He doesn't dictate to us. We dictate to him. We dictate to the government. This is America ( joe kicks an imaginary guy into a deep hole ;)

Side: Not legitamite
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
1 point

Will you ever admit when a Democrat acts like a jerk? I admit when a republican does.. Yet I'm the one that get's accused of waring "partisan glasses".

Any elected official who says "you can't tell me how to blah blah blah!!" after getting booed should be criticized because that's not right. [Which, actually we our going to tell you how to run your office. And if we don't like it, you're out of here.] Not that booing and yelling solves much. Let alone barking that at a good question which was valid.

And yes that also means republicans so don't go all 'what about this example' on me. (;

And so what if it ends up on youtube!? Maybe that would motivate him not to act like a jerk. Although the whole thing should have been put up it's not fair to show a little snip like that.

Side: Not legitamite
1 point


And it DID end up on youtube. Oh that made my day. (: It would be even more funny if he said it would end up on create debate. ((;

Side: Not legitamite