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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Hmmm, yummy Yuck, disgusting
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 Hmmm, yummy (7)
 Yuck, disgusting (3)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Japan’s Newest Delicacy: would you eat this crap?

Hmmm, yummy

Side Score: 8

Yuck, disgusting

Side Score: 4
2 points

Most plants that we eat were grown with fertiliser, and what's that made of?

Shit is already recycled to make food, this is just changing the process.

It's just an artificial way of doing what nature already does.

Side: Hmmm, yummy

This is their solution to the world's food crisis...., let them eat crap! And you thought Marie Antoinette was bad ;)

Side: Hmmm, yummy

Are you into extreme recycling?

Are you into being green?

Are you into lowering carbon emissions?

Are you into fighting Global Warming?

Then try this global warming fighting, carbon footprint reducing, green, recycling solution. Are you up to it?

Side: Hmmm, yummy

This is really great because next time someone tells me that they are into reducing carbon footprint in order to fight global warming, I can tell them to go eat Japanese sh!t ;)

Side: Hmmm, yummy
1 point

I heard about this crap yesterday... I guess if astronauts can drink their own piss, then why not?

Side: Hmmm, yummy
1 point

I thought you were gonna say something like yellow cake, or nuclear jelly. Why is it that the least appetizing foods are always considered delicacies?

Side: Yuck, disgusting

Because that's the only way they can get people to eat it ;)

Side: Yuck, disgusting
1 point

I'd rather survive on vegetables. That's common here anyway!!!!

Side: Yuck, disgusting
xyze(39) Disputed
1 point

I'd rather survive on vegetables. That's common here anyway!!!!

Most vegetables are made with fertilisers. Guess what most fertilisers are made of...

Side: Hmmm, yummy
1 point

I know what they are made of. But, I realize that I have to survive so I'm gonna ignore that!

Side: Hmmm, yummy