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Thanks Bettyjoe! Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 Thanks Bettyjoe! (4)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (4)

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jolie(9809) pic

Jury Nullification

Thanks Bettyjoe!

Side Score: 4

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 4
1 point

Now you know how to get out of jury duty.

Side: Thanks Bettyjoe!
JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
1 point

Good post and more people should know about nullification, though just knowing about it or agreeing with its usefulness doesn't mean you need to answer the question "Do you have any beliefs that might prevent you from making a decision based strictly on the law?" with a Yes and get kicked off (since, as the video itself points out, nullification is based strictly on the law.)

Though just bringing it up during voir dire is likely to get one of the lawyers to dismiss you anyway (whether that is your goal or not).

Side: Thanks Bettyjoe!
1 point

I just answer truth fully.

Lawyer: Are you prejudiced against my client?

Me: Yes, I can see the gang tattoos not covered by his 3 piece suit.

Lawyer: That doesn't mean he's guilty of what he's being accused of.

Me: People do not join gangs to do community service. If he's not guilty of that, he's guilty of something else. Besides, he would be one less person in rush hour traffic.

Lawyer: You're dismissed.

Me: I knew you would see it my way. Thug Life.

Side: Thanks Bettyjoe!

I believe that when we are called to jury duty we should perform it.

Attempting to evade jury duty is a very common phenomenon. Those called to jury duty roughly fall into three categories:

1) Those who are able to evade jury duty, employing knowledge of the proceedings and the intellect to leverage it in order to do so.

2) Those who do not want to perform jury duty but are lacking in the knowledge/intellect required to do so

3) Those that accept jury duty as a responsibility and do not attempt to evade it.

Those who actually serve jury duty are limited to categories 2 and 3 above, predominately 2. This has the net effect of lowering the actual burden of proof required by prosecutors, and allowing legal precedents to arise that should not.

The more people we have in category 3, the better.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
1 point

The net effect of evading jury duty would be a good discussion, but I think the current topic is actually jury nullification (even though there was some discussion about people using nullification to avoid jury duty.)

Side: Thanks Bettyjoe!
thousandin1(1931) Clarified
1 point

I... may have gotten to this debate via the waterfall, when I was technically supposed to be working, and couldn't watch the video. Possibly.

Side: Thanks Bettyjoe!
1 point

I'm in category one. Was born into this world and I was told, "The world does not owe you a damp thing." And I agree with that. However, I don't owe the world a damp thing either. But they are like, "You have to do as we say (i.e., follow our rules/laws). And I'm like, "Why? I had no input into your laws and I don't agree with some of them." And they are like, "Then move out of our country." And I'm like, "Where? Every piece of land is claimed by some asshole. The only way for me to go somewhere where I have more of a say in how thing are run is by having a large, armed, following and kick someone's ass and take their land. Those people are called terrorists. I'm no terrorist. But I will use jury nullification to exercise my will against stupid laws I don't.don't agree with and that I had no say in.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
daver(1770) Disputed
1 point

Citizenship carries responsibilities. You live in a country that provides you with freedom, opportunity and a measure of protection, yet you are unwilling to take on responsibilities to assist the function of that society. Where is it written that your life be easy. Nowhere!

Side: Thanks Bettyjoe!