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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Debate Score:20
Total Votes:20
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joecavalry(40131) pic

Let's play a game. I give you a quote and you figure out who said it here on CD


The quote is:

"What you fail to realise...."

Now you tell me who said here on CD by adding the person's name to the tag list.





go to the following link

search for

"What you fail to"

count how many times

then replace joecavalry with another user name and repeat the process.

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This one is really easy if you follow CD debates religiously ;)

saprophetic(389) Disputed
1 point

Ah, sorry to ruin your game, but -you've failed to realise- the sheer power of Google. Seriously. Search up the quote folowed by createdebate. There were around 8 hits just on the first page.

My deepest apologies.

So what's your answer? Who said it most?

The game never said that you couldn't use Google. And telling people to use Google would not have been a hint, it would have given the answer away.

2 points

"What you fail to realise...."

I just said it. Therefore, TheThinker.

That's cheating but you get points for being creative ;)

I don't know, it seems I see this often. I've said it once or twice.

Post a link to the debate so that we can verify it

1 point

If we get enough activity on this debate, I will post it as a featured debate! It will be helpful to liven it up during the summer. Historically, summers are much slower than the other seasons!


1 point

Blasphemy! Why do people go outside during summer when they could be sitting in front of the computer? D:

1 point

What, that's such a common opening... I bet it's been said hundreds of times D:

I added a hint section to the description of the debate to help you guys out. ;)