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 Life lessons: What bits wisdom have you acquired over the years? (7)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Life lessons: What bits wisdom have you acquired over the years?


I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible,

but pissing everyone off is a piece of cake ;)

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I've been honing my skills here on CD for years ;)

1 point

Liquor before beer, never fear

Beer before liquor, never sicker

1 point

Poke the bear.

1 point

Penny in light socket is a no-no.

LOL! Did you actually do that? What happened? .

1 point

On your way toward progress, you will encounter barriers that can't be passed. Then when you seem hopelessly stuck, the barrier will vanish.

1 point

The same essential values can be hidden by radically different explanations.