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I knew it wasn't bunk! What a load of crap.
Debate Score:34
Total Votes:35
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 I knew it wasn't bunk! (22)
 What a load of crap. (9)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40163) pic

Many doctors are starting to take astrology seriously.

The season of birth has been linked to increased risk for a number of serious diseases.

If you were born on the northern hemisphere

between December and January

you're probably a schizophrentic.

I knew it wasn't bunk!

Side Score: 23

What a load of crap.

Side Score: 11
2 points

Your date of birth is what decides your chemical alignment ,so, it isn't just random, which means it's intelligent design, which means a being created everything.

Side: I knew it wasn't bunk!
1 point

which means it's intelligent design, which means a being created everything.

I disagree. For there are people out there that remain unaffected by these things. It doesn't prove that a creator created everything. It most likely just shows the complexity of life itself.

Side: What a load of crap.
Intangible(4934) Disputed
1 point

For there are people out there that remain unaffected by these things.

Well, duh. Being born in that month means that you are likely to be affected by the disease, it doesn't mean that you will get the disease.

Side: I knew it wasn't bunk!

It's science, bitches!!!

Next thing you know, science will be telling us that there's a God ;)

Side: I knew it wasn't bunk!
1 point

Well... my birthday is January 3rd so...

-Alzheimer's disease



Basically I'm fucking batshit crazy. Got it!

Side: I knew it wasn't bunk!

Yeah..., but we knew that already ;)

Side: I knew it wasn't bunk!

Basically I'm fucking batshit crazy. Got it!

I knew you were nailing Dana. Hah!

Side: I knew it wasn't bunk!

I'm in March, so by this I should be fucked, but I'm OK. I do have problems with alcohol, but that's a function of being Irish.

Side: I knew it wasn't bunk!

Aren't you bipolar (Irish and a Brit from the British Isles)? ;)

Side: I knew it wasn't bunk!
ricedaragh(2494) Clarified
1 point

Yes I am.

Side: I knew it wasn't bunk!
1 point

I'm born in March too and I think we have the worst month for disease and disorders.

Side: I knew it wasn't bunk!

God was born in March? Cool, what was before you, like in January and February.

Side: I knew it wasn't bunk!
Side: What a load of crap.
1 point

"Get out of my house in Jesus name I pray"

You are the best for posting that

Side: What a load of crap.
1 point

Correlation is ok for suspecting causality, but it does not prove it. (to me anyway)

Side: What a load of crap.
1 point

Well it's a good thing I was born in November! And not December or January.

Side: What a load of crap.