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 Merry Christmas. Now tell me what you got from Santa. Not coal I hope. (36)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

Merry Christmas. Now tell me what you got from Santa. Not coal I hope.

Since I'm Santa, I get to open my presents early.  This year I got a netbook.  Which I'm using right now.  ;)

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4 points

In the tune of the twelve days of Christmas....

1 Visa giftcard,

1 Starbucks giftcard,

1 Costco giftcard,

1 Petco giftcard,

1 Blue Scarf,

$900 dollars

And a Big Giant Sparkly Engagement Ring.

1 point

Lots of giftcards! haha. I like the cash..... and....

CONGRATS!!! :D My sister got engaged just before the Christmas season back in 2007.

1 point

Yeah. There were still some of the same old stupid gifts.... like coffee mugs and underwear, but I just got lucky this year....

Holly crap! You scored big time! BTW, which Costco do you go to ;)

Pineapple(1449) Disputed
1 point

...I usually go to the one on Morena. And heres why I'm telling you:

It's a big ass world out there and you don't know what I look like.

Also, it's a fantastic Costco and I'm proud to shop there.

1 point

Wow!!!! Congrats on the engagement, and O_O You cleaned up, jeez. hahaha. I got some fun stuff, but...not even close. x]

1 point

I know! Christmas really saved my ass this month, financially!

The trick is to cry and throw a fit every time someone gives you a non monetary gift, every holiday, for 21 years.

So when's the wedding? Would you be able to spot me if I crashed it ;)

Pineapple(1449) Disputed
2 points

The ceremony will be at the church of fuck off, and the reception will be held up your ass, so feel free to stop by!

1 point


You win. That's probably the best gift ever.

1 point

Thanks Jake. No... the undying profession of love from my best friend and soulmate was the best gift ever.

PS. You still haven't replied to me in that other debate where you just downvoted my last argueement and quit.... are you a quitter, Jake?

I got a shirt and a picture frame and Moshi (don't ask). I also got emergency flashlights and a scented candle. Oh, and how can I forget, Gentleman's Jack ;)

1 point

Well it was technically MERRY CHRISTMAS today in the land of downunder.But my not so devout Catholic family usually have about three different days to have Christmas celebrations.Although i only attend the main one where all my entire family is there. It is usually held at my parents property which luckilly is big enough to accomodate for my large extended family.Tommorrow is technally Christmas day , this year , for me. My mummy asked me what i wanted for Christmas this year. I told her a full gas bottle. Im sick of smelling my neighbours barbecue , its just darn nasty , like a yummy scratch and sniff sticker you cant eat. Last week i got a new mobile as an early christmas prez. But tommorrow i can enjoy the gift of my family.

1 point

I got my gas bottle :) ,A bottle of wine , choclolates , a full belly , and the biggest headache. And there was only half the family this year. But the kids (and adults)

are stoked with there new toys and sweets (that should keep the shops and dentist happy also). Tommorrow im cranking my barbie.:)

My son bought me the Beastie Boys Anthology for my iPod, and I also got a green polo shirt, some socks, some gum and the Godfather 1 2 and 3 Deluxe Edition.

Isn't it funny how the best things in life cost money.... ;)

1 point

I just spent a small fortune on this WII cosole and its games and a ton of its accesories for my kids . KIDS - yes , the best things in life cost money :) btw like computers , I have not a clue when it comes to keeping up or in the know with all this mod game stuff .I get vertigo and fall over just playing x box. Im sorry but ..... moshi ? ;)

You had to ask... ;)

It's a voice controlled, talking clock. My mom and my kids were making fun of me all morning.

1 point

I got the ONLY thing I wanted: An iPod touch. :D My old iPod was a nano from 2004 or 2005. I forget exactly which year because it's been so long!

So what are yiu going to do with the old one? Do you want to donate it to me? ;)

1 point

Sure you can have a worthless device! haha. The main reason I got a new one was that the old one had a battery of about 2 songs. I would literally listen to not even 2 full songs and the battery would already be dead.

1 point

Our family went to a huge mall and got me a bunch of clothes.

probably amounting to 120$$ prices are way up in the air cuz I only bought two shirts.

You should have gone to either Costco or Walmart, they have great deals ;)

1 point

Samsonite suitcase luggage, a camelback 09 alpine explorer backpack, a couple ties, a watch, $25 card to target, and 100 big ones.

1 point

Are you going on a trip?


1 point

Yeah, I'm going on a two year mission for my church. I'm serving in the Lansing, Michigan Mission which covers most of Michigan except the Detroit area.