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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Debate Score:18
Total Votes:19
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 Need a break from all the debating? Come to this nice, tranquil, peaceful debate & chill. (10)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

Need a break from all the debating? Come to this nice, tranquil, peaceful debate & chill.

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Let's face it, we all need a break every now and then. Instead of getting up and going outside to unwind, just come here for a few, relax, and then get back in there and call some one an idiot ;)

3 points

Just when I was starting to get in the zone someone had to crash my party:)

3 points

That pretty much sums up CreateDebate lol.

1 point

LOL!! Yup, crash and burn, especially when a certain someone drops in for a fly by!! *ducks for cover :))

Hmm...that picture doesn't seem to be producing a tranquil feeling or even peacefulness. Do I have to eat it to gain its power?

Do you not see the water shimmering? It's a GIF file. You should see it shimmering ;)

Oh..what O.O. No I did not.

Sadly this is probably the best debate on the site at the moment. This place has really turned into a sea of turds over the years.

You do have the power to post quality debates. So what's holding you back? :)

1. Save

2. Read the file name

3. Change it to "noitsnot"

Consummatum Est