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Aaawww..., so cute What dog?
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Aaawww..., so cute (3)
 What dog? (1)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

OK ladies, is this a cute dog or what


Aaawww..., so cute

Side Score: 3

What dog?

Side Score: 1
1 point

LMFAO my boss just showed me that picture a few days ago, she took five minutes trying to convince me it was a dog, then when I saw it I went "awwww" X)

Side: Aaawww..., so cute
1 point

It looks like a penis; it feels like a penis; it tastes like a penis - it's The Penispup!

Side: Aaawww..., so cute
1 point

ok... so if it is a dog, then AWWWWW, if it isn't, don't do that again!!! :( for the joke but :D for the dog. adorable.

Side: Aaawww..., so cute

This is just some sick joke to make us believe that is a dog.

Side: What dog?
Saurbaby(5502) Clarified
1 point

Lol, it is a dog. The head is its head, and the balls are its legs X) Okay, I just really wanted to say the head is its head.

Side: Aaawww..., so cute