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Yay GW!!! Boo GW...
Debate Score:21
Total Votes:22
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 Yay GW!!! (10)
 Boo GW... (8)

Debate Creator

jolie(9810) pic

OK people - global warming is back on from its hiatus.

"Nothing has caused climate scientists quite as much recent trouble as the so-called “global warming hiatus.” Not only did this approximately 14-year lull in the rise of global mean (or average) temperatures provide fodder for a variety of misguided climate change deniers (there have been other, longer pauses)..."

Yay GW!!!

Side Score: 11

Boo GW...

Side Score: 10
1 point

Sounds like a cycle to me but hey... I'm no scientist and no one asked me. Too bad those guys don't seem to know what's going on and they are starting to give scientists a bad name.

Side: Yay GW!!!
2 points

The trend involved is actually the Global Mean "Surface" Temperature (interesting that your description drops the "surface" part)

Surface temperature specifically excludes the known increase in sub-surface ocean temperatures, so, are you trying to be misleading, or, do you actually not know what you are talking about?

Additionally the GMST data was initially calculated using estimates for artic temperatures based on only 4 data sites, more complete satellite data shows those estimates were far below the actual artic warming over the relevant period.

Side: Boo GW...
1 point

I just threw this debate together and, at least on the surface, it looked good.

Side: Boo GW...
1 point

are you trying to be misleading

Absolutely, pretty much every single global warming debate he has created is like that.

Side: Boo GW...
jolie(9810) Clarified
1 point

I wouldn't be at all surprised if the scientific community is trolling us all.

Side: Yay GW!!!
1 point

Scientists vs corporations with financial interests in continuing their current practices - hmmm, tough call...

Side: Boo GW...
1 point

Isn't a cycle where the temperature goes up then goes down? This is going up followed by staying in place followed by going up.

Side: Yay GW!!!
1 point

So what are you saying? That you read the article? Good for you. You can read.

Side: Yay GW!!!

Wow. Even your own article is making the case that global warming IS happening. You just didn't make it past the first paragraph.

"Terrestrial (land-based) warming never really experienced a hiatus; it was only sea surface temperatures that stalled, and even those didn’t stall everywhere. Most of the hiatus was the result of falling sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern Pacific, caused by two decades of unusually strong equatorial trade winds.1 These winds pushed aside warm surface water, causing deeper and colder water to well up in its place, cool the atmosphere above, and reduce global temperature averages. The winds also pushed enormous quantities of warm water westward. This caused a “downwelling” in the western Pacific, as the mass of all this tropically heated water moved the boundary between the warm layer at the ocean’s surface and the cold layer beneath (called the thermocline) to a greater depth. So much warm water was pushed into the region that sea levels began to rise at nearly triple the global rate.2"

Side: Boo GW...
1 point

I actually read the whole thing. I just wasn't counting on anyone else reading it.

Side: Boo GW...
1 point

Scientists are always looking for grants, to continue their research. Can anyone guess where the those grants come from? Always follow the money. It's never wrong.

Side: Boo GW...
1 point

I started following the money and I found these companies that make billions of dollars increasing greenhouse gases - do they count??

Side: Yay GW!!!
1 point

Then, really GW is caused by wind blowing hot water around. And wind is caused by warm air rising. And warm air is caused by the sun. Soooooo the sun causes GW. There that was easy.

Side: Boo GW...
2 points

Without the sun the earth would be much cooler, therefore your logic is impeccable!

Oh wait - solar output has been decreasing while the temperature has been increasing - maybe you actually have no idea what you are talking about....

Maybe there are things in our atmosphere that are preventing heat from escaping into space where it otherwise would and that keeps heat right here on earth and increases global temperatures (Just a thought.)

Or, maybe its just all a scientific conspiracy - or, maybe scientists who study climate didn't think to study the sun, so many options - guess we can never know....

Side: Yay GW!!!
1 point

I blame the terrorists for global warming.

Side: Yay GW!!!
Environment(3) Disputed
1 point

Before I exhaustively explicate on what causes global warming please clarify, you're joking right?

Side: Yay GW!!!