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I've always thought that Wait...., What? No!
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:12
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 I've always thought that (3)
 Wait...., What? No! (2)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

Once society cedes its moral authority to a court of law, then all things become possible.

Consider the logical progression:

In any large city, there are clubs of hobbyist sadomasochists who gather in curious costumes to tie each other up and paddle each other. It is done discreetly and harms no one. Nothing needs to be done about it.

But note that exactly the same arguments that justify homosexuality in the schools apply to sadomasochism. It’s natural, prominent people do it, it’s a lifestyle. If children in grade school are to be taught that the one is merely a choice of lifestyle, why not both? We now have books in schools with titles like, “Bobby Has Two Daddies.” Why not, “Sally’s Daddy Wears A Leash”? Why not S&M clubs in school, as there are now gay and lesbian clubs?

Because we say so.

Why not pedophilia? There exists (with a website) an outfit called NAMBLA, the North American Man Boy Love Association, whose members believe they are entitled to engage in anal intercourse with your nine-year-old son. They aren’t kidding, and they begin to get support from advanced minds in academia.

Here too a society that cannot simply say “no” finds itself at the mercy of logic-choppers. Proponents of pedophilia might (and do) argue that it is natural, that our repugnance for it is merely a cultural artifact, a product of repressive patriarchal Christianity. The ancient Greeks engaged in it. Our designation of 15 or 18 as the age of consent is purely arbitrary; a boy of nine is human, has civil rights, and can choose. Anyway, pedophilia is harmful only because we teach our children that it is shameful, instead of teaching them that it is a natural celebration of life and love. Those who have tried it know it to be a warm and loving, etc.

The answer is “No. Because we say so.” Some things you don’t do. This is one of them.

We just can’t say it.

I've always thought that

Side Score: 5

Wait...., What? No!

Side Score: 6
2 points

The problem begins with needing a government to tell us what is right and what is wrong. Public OPINION not only varies with time, but is also subjective and not based on scientific evidence. Laws are usually made and ammended based upon the trends of a time.

What we need is education about issues and then people can make educated choices about their lifestyle.

With scientific education about whether or not S&M;is bad for you or not, whether homosexuality is harmful to others or not, or whether the age of consent for sex is 9 or 18 years of age, we can know what is to be acceptable or not. It is this simple.

Morality, religion, and laws made on the basis of public opinion, are subjective and change with time. Scientific facts do not.

No one should dictate what is to be "right" or "wrong". Not the church, not the government, not trends in society. If we are looking for absolutes in morality, they should be based on scientific facts.

Side: morality is arbitrary science is not

This is probably true, actually, although I had to sit here for a few moments chewing it over. The best example I can think of to back this up is people who said they would vote for Obama back in the fall out of fear that they would be considered racist if they admitted to supporting McCain.

The determination to give equal rights and always be politically correct may be harmful in that it leads to the acceptance of things that otherwise would not have been accepted. Is this actually harmful? I'm not sure. This is a bit too big for my head, and I'll need to think on it some more.

Is that what you're trying to say?

Side: I've always thought that
4 points

pedophilia is harmful only because we teach our children that it is shameful, instead of teaching them that it is a natural celebration of life and love. Those who have tried it know it to be a warm and loving, etc.

No, there are real psychological, physical, and long term negative effects of pedophilia, regardless of how society at any time views pedophilia.

There are 0 negative long term psychological or physical effects of two consenting gay people having a sexual relationship. As a matter of fact, it is very unhealthy for a human to surpress their natural sexuality, and it's good that children learn at a young age that there is nothing wrong with them if they are gay.

Why do you keep trying to compare gay people to pedophiles Joe? Or do you not realize you're doing it?

Young children should not be exposed to any kind of adult sexuality any more or less than any other type of adult sexuality, whether gay, straight, BDSM, or any other varience of the complexities of human sexuality.

At the same time, there is nothing wrong with a book about a child having two dads, any more so than a book about a child having a mom and a dad. Neither book contains any more sexual content than the other. Neither has any power to turn a child gay or straight. People are born with their sexual preferences and they develop naturaly over a lifetime.

Now either you or this fred, not sure if you are just quoting or if these are your thoughts,

but one of you tries to make a point about BDSM,

"Why not have kids reading a book about BDSM if they can get a book about 2 dads?" is the basic line of thought.

it's supposed to in some way make one think "yeah! I don't want my kids getting into BDSM! Down with gays!"

Which is retard logic.

BDSM is sexual. A book about two dads is not sexual, any more than a book about a dad and a mom would be sexual.

Further, there is absolutely nothing inherently wrong with two consenting adults practicing BDSM if they enjoy it. Same as there is nothing wrong with two consenting adults having sex with eachother. Often different kinds of sexual deviations such as BDSM are the result of some kind of psychological damage,

but just as often it's a preferenence no different than one person liking red heads, and another brunettes, it depends on the individual, and really is no one's business as long as everyone involved is an an adult and participating of their own free will.

Sure, BDSM shouldn't be in schools. Neither should any kind of pornographic material.

This is not the same thing as children being exposed to gay couples at all though. Pedophilia is not the same thing as children being exposed to a gay couple.

I don't know Joe, you've cited this fred character a couple times, I haven't seen anything this guy's been right about yet.

Side: Wait...., What? No!

There are 0 negative long term psychological or physical effects of two consenting gay people having a sexual relationship.

How about aids? ;)

Side: I've always thought that